Mtn Free 3GB Is Still Working Sharp, Re-Activate Yours Now

Good morning my dear lovely viewers, yesterday lot of comment were made on one of my post “How To Get Free 3GB“, people were complained that Mtn has finally blocked the tweak due to the message they received that “Your 100 hrs 30-Day Data Plan has expired” and thing truly stopped working but around 10pm yesterday one of my blog reader tega goddowell said: “it’s stil wrking i jst ativate one of my sim nw thankz” and  i made the verification then i discovered that Mtn only succeeded in blocking the active plans of 3GB but the loophole is still intact and i quickly dialed the code on one of Mtn Sim like 5 times before i slept, i was surprised around 11:57pm yesterday, when i received a message like this: Welcome to 100 hrs 30-Day Data plan. Remember fair usage policy applies at 3.0GB. This morning i have activated more than 5 Sim with quick response. This is to let you know that the code is still working fine and response is not delay at all. If you received a message that your 100 hrs 30-Day Data Plan has  expired, just redial the code and you will receive another 3GB without much stress. We all know the code but for the new comer, here is the code below:

    mtn nigeria internet bundle code 1

  • Just send 100H to 131 and you are good to go.
  • Wait till you receive a response that your 100 hrs 30-Data plan is activated.
  • If it doesn’t work the first time you tried it, please calm down and send it like 5 times again. 
  • To check your MB data balance; send 2 in an SMS to 131 

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Picture of Sheu Abdullateef Funsho
Sheu Abdullateef Funsho
I'm a certified tech expert with over a decade of experience. Serving as a Blogger, Copywriter, Web Designer, Crypto Expert, and Digital Marketer. I'm passionate about sharing unique insights and ideas on technology and trends. Need help with any of these areas? DM me, and let's collaborate to achieve your goals with cutting-edge expertise.
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114 thoughts on “Mtn Free 3GB Is Still Working Sharp, Re-Activate Yours Now”

  1. Is not working shelaf..I've tried it more than 20 times and the reply is that 'sorry,the service 100H is not avaliable.thank you'..that's it

  2. MTN is still tryin to seal d loophole… I av activated my MTN n its surfin lik a rockstar quiter bt wen i wanted activatin anoda of my MTN sim i qot an instant msq dat d service u want to buy is not available… Bt u quys shuldnt lose hope bt continue sendin d msq till their server qivs up…

  3. boss mine is not workin ooh it keeps telling me dat d service i want to buy 100H is not available boss wat should i do i have sent it over 20 times same tin

  4. Once blocked, but it is still working. i activated 2 sim this morning, i sent it around 2a.m and received there notification about 6:34a.m

  5. boss mine is not workin ooh it keeps telling me dat d service i want to buy 100H is not available boss wat should i do i have sent it over 20 times same tin

  6. 4 dos dat have dea own dis morin, migrate 2 mtnpulse & subscribe for at least 5mb.den connect wit eida system or phone wit 2go or watsapp.den enjoy yl it last…razlaw

  7. but i will surqest u quys 1st of all send reset to 131 b4 procedin to send d 100H to 131 n note: dnt send it once else ur msq will b pendinq for life, for dos of u who understand wat i mean by msq pendin, i ques u rili knw wats up n 4 dos who dosnt knw wat msq pendin means is dat ur wen u sent 100H to 131, u will see messaqe sent, quickly qoto ur msq report aspect, u will see pendinq or delivered… If u see pendinq pls resend aqain n even if u see delivered bt no sms rply frm MTN, pls send aqain…

  8. Z still working like die!!! This morning I got about 7 sims on board within 5miinz!! Person wey say e no the work no sabi wetin em the do

  9. Hi mr funsho i droped a message to like 3 of ur post abt the glo chocolate stuff and no reply..please can u kindly help me with the procedure on owoblow40n[at] or is it nt available anymore ? Thanks.

  10. The reply is
    sorry the service you want to buy 100H is not available .thank you…
    what can i do sir.please i really need to browse

  11. Oga at the top, e work for the first sim others the service is not available. Thanks for the one I have already.

  12. Hell Funsho,

    Pls help we with the glo chocolate free browsing software,my email is cmjoon200[at] ,thanks.

  13. Its a matter of patience i did mine 4days ago and just yesterday i received d msg and since then its has bin working fine and faster.God bless u shelaf more wisdom IJN

  14. i successfully activated 2 sims 2 days is connecting but the other isn't what might be the cause….some people are experiencing this also as to the previous comments

  15. Anybody dat did it dat can testify, and am 1 of dem 2 be sincere e no easy.:-).


  16. Mine has been giving me the message that I do not have sufficient credit to perform this operation. What should I do?

  17. Mines bn working since the 1st day I activated,then it said it expired,now the reply I'm getting is insufficient balance to perform the operation,pls recharge and try again

  18. pls mr funso i need the glo chocolate browsting stuff. mtn network is bad in my area. i beg, please, jo . this is my email yoatforchrist[at] tanks for ur understanding n fevourable consideration.

  19. pls mr funso i need the glo chocolate browsting stuff. mtn network is bad in my area and more also 3g no dey . i beg, please, jo . this is my email yoatforchrist[at] tanks for ur understanding n fevourable consideration.

  20. am tryed my, but is showing sorry u do not have sufficient credit to perform this operation. try again. thank you!

  21. guys, quit tryin to activate it cus it wunt qet activated…MTN is still tryin to seal d loophole, dats y dey av shut down d activation…. As of nw, d stuff is still surfin for d fast ones who visits dis site every nw n den just to realise new thinqs.. Guys like me, lols

  22. Gud morning guys, Tnx u all 4 d nice testimonies & special tnx 2 different expert who are visiting, bring different nice opinions & response 2 other people questions, just 2 reduce my stress, once again thank u all.
    For those who are nt get free 3GB yet, keep trying, it is very difficult 2 activate it now but i can't tell u d exact time dat d loophole while b available again but when u did nt panic, am sure u will get urs.
    For those who got free 3GB & complain dat is nt working or connecting. Just change the apn to or then You are good to surf free…

  23. Good day Mr Funsho. I Think MTN has finally blocked the 100H browsing. Rite nw i hv sent 100H to 131 for 59 times i got 59 msgs, saying, Sorry u do nt hv sufficient balance.pls recharge and try again. Whats the next thing? Or if there's Etisatat tweak pls send it to me.giftsnnaemeka[at] THANKS BRO. More grace to ur elbow.

  24. for those who have been given the 3gig nd is not working
    here is how to do it
    SEND DATA OFF and after you recieve a message of the activation send DATA ON to activate it again.
    i tried it and it works

  25. for those having dificulty in activating thier sim check if its 128k i noticed 32 n 64k sim hardly gt activated. for easy connectivity use d blackberry apn(esp for android users)

  26. it stil wrking bt if u snd it d reply 4s insuficent fund bt for dose who have dear reacharge 100 and surcribe 4 10mb it wil work

  27. 10mb or not, it shows 'insufficient balance' for me. I wana believe its kinda selective with various sim cards. I started sending since on saturday evening (22:00 GMT precisely) same replies i get. Nothing is certain. Try your luck. Large thumbs to you, Chief Funsho. -Deedi..

  28. Mine is not workin ooh it keep telling me dat d service i want to buy 100H is not available, wat should i do i have sent it over 70 times same tin… Just wish sometin can be done for our kind that haven't gottin it… Help oooooooooooo for the seck of God .

  29. @tega just did as you instructed , and the massage i keep getting is , "you have 10.00MB. your subscription is 10MB 1-day mobile data plan… How do i go abt getting the 3GB ? reply back ASAP please… Thank you.

  30. D glo chocolate is nt currently working & i can't send u d fake tweak. It will b posted here as soon as i get d working server 2 power it up.

  31. There's another method…back date ur phone to 2nd of august 2013 then send reset to 131 n then send 100H to 131…its workin here

  32. as many who re still blazin with the 100hrz stuff,just avoid setting 2 to 131,rather avoid checking ur data balance…..thankz to funsho for the xposition anyway….me holla ur hard work

  33. Mr Anonymous, what right have you to make this profane comment? What moral justification do you have to even make such filthy comment here?
    Is it that you just open your disjointed mandible to let out total rubbish…!
    Please if you have come here to abuse people, take a walk!
    I'm recommending the porn sites and gay forums for you to go unleash your empty head of arrant nonsense for those are strictly where you dumb ass belongs!
    Never you attack our dear Prof. Funsho aka Shelaf ever again if you don't want the wrath of kamar on your sorry life.
    A fool at your level is a fool for ………!

  34. you ungreatful reak of a person , why on earth will you call shelaf a fool. are u paying for the services which you are been offered? i use to hear that there are some stupid ppl among us in this world and u surddenly are one of them. be very careful ooooo. thanks shelaf for ur good works i am and will forever be greatful.

  35. Emmanuel johnson

    Plz let there be a way to sing up as a member here, becoz we are seeing useless people who are not suppose to be here to benefit from our master shelaf, any way thanks very much, my master here, am happy even if the 100hrs is block, at least i enjoy it o. I hope and pray a better one come again my master

  36. Hello good guyz of this great forum.
    Y'all know Professor Funsho, once there's anything tangible and reliable, he'll always share with us.
    Kudoz to your good works Prof!

  37. D tweak is still working fine, i swear 2 God is d 1 am using 2 post dis comment. May be urs was suspended due 2 fear usage policy. Just power it up with "PD-Proxy software" only if Mtn is nt yet sent u a msg dat ur 3GB plan has expired.

  38. Am refer 2 those who already got dat 3GB. I don't ask u 2 try d code right now bcz d loophole is no more available so don't give urself stress. Just b patient i will update u guys as soon as get another working code.

  39. I said u should stop stress urself by dialing d code, d loophole is no more available, another method will b posted as soon as we get it done.

  40. alat networks for free here GET UNLIMITED MTN
    GOT THIS TWEAK FROM MY PAL. Lets go straight to the point.
    With this you can send 5GB
    to your friends without
    having the GB on your sim…
    This is strictly working like
    mad… FOLLOW THE STEPS BELOW: [1] DIAL *131*1*1# [2]
    Send [CHANGE 0000 1234
    1234] TO 131 [3]
    1234# NOTE:-YOU CAN NOT
    PALS! 4 hours ago

  41. @ tega I have tried it but keeps on telling me sorry you have sent an invalid pin, after I must have gotten a confirmation msg that I have successfully changed my pin… Pls wat hav I done wrong now?

  42. Insufficent balance on all my 3 Sims, the codes were changed succesfully, I wonder why, please help me out broda, my bis will finish soon, I am counting on you…08138782030, 08062581323

  43. @deejay fly…Insufficent balance on all my 3 Sims, the codes were changed succesfully, I wonder why, please help me out broda, my bis will finish soon, I am counting on you…please kindly transfer me data on my Sims 08138782030, 08062581323, I don't always get it right, pls help me oooooooooo

  44. How To Get Free 5GB On Your MTN Sim!!!

    This Works Like Magic… You Wont Believe This…

    Just Follow The Steps Below.

    Note: It Doesnt Work On All SIMS… You Might Get an Error that You Have Insufficient Balance…


    Step 1: You Need To Register For MTN DATA Sharing by Dialing *131*2*1# Then You Will Need To Change Your Data Sharing Pin from Default (0000) to your prefered pin By Dialing *131*2*5#

    Step 2:
    After Changing Pin, You can Add Beneficiary. This is the number that you will send the 5GB to.. Dial *131*2*2# to Add the Beneficiary and then Put ur Pin after adding.

    Step 3.
    You will need to send the 5GB to the Beneficiary.
    Just Dial *131*3# Press Answer and Dial '5'. Answer again and Dial '4'. Answer again and dial '3'. Answer again and put Beneficiary's Number. Answer again and Put your Pin.

    Step 4.
    If your Sim Can Do It, Then The Beneficiary will receive the 5GB. If It Cant, The Beneficiary will Not..

    Topic: HOW TO GET 5GB or MORE FOR FREE ON MTN NETWORK Posted By: Antonio Omeihe at 4:34 PM PM
    Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook
    add me on fb for more.. Okoronkwo Godwin Chinedu

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