How to Open and Verify a US PayPal Account with Payoneer Account

PayPal is the biggest channel for paying and receiving money when you work online, it can be used to collect payments with Payoneer. Some of the amateur freelancers are usually very frustrated when they find that PayPal does not work with their local banks and therefore their funds are locked in, or they pay very expensive 3rd party services to access their money. Due to this, the freelancers lose out on a number of projects that could scale their freelancing career to a new height. But do not let a small thing as this, bog you down.

It is more than two years in which PayPal extends its service to Nigeria and 9 other countries. But I don’t know the reason why PayPal not yet remove the restrictions on other features, especially the ability to receive fund/payment i.e Nigeria PayPal cannot receive fund/payment.

Nigerians and other non-supported countries still looking for the option of opening other countries’ PayPal account, especially that of the USA which is the best of all. Many Nigerians have been opening the USA PayPal account, although some got it right while some got it wrong and get banned in the end.

There are lots of information on the internet on how to open and verify a USA PayPal account, but most of them are either outdated or useless. In respect to this, I’ve decided to come up with this latest information on how to open a PayPal account outside of giving countries and how to verify PayPal account all over the world, this method work for all countries.

Needed Materials

  1. A valid new email address
  2. An active Payoneer US virtual Bank Account
  3. USA Citizen Profile
  4. A VPN (Any VPN with a steady US IP address will do)

Before we start, hope you have got a Payoneer account else visit and create your Payoneer account. You will be given US Payment Service Information such as Bank Name, Routing Number, Account Number, and Account Type. Payoneer comes as an angel in disguise to help you receive money from any part of the globe when other techniques fail. And guess what, you don’t have to pay a single extra penny for that.

Affiliate Bonus: Sign Up for Payoneer Click here to earn $25.

If you Sign UP for Payoneer through an affiliate, you will get a $25 bonus, and someone who referred you will get the same bonus. However, you will only get this amount after you get the first payment of $100 through the card.

Recommended: How To Get Payoneer MasterCard in Nigeria For Free

Now, go to and Sign in using your Google+ account. Click on the Gender and select your gender (Male or Female), leave Name set to ‘American’ and Country to the United States, and click on the ‘Generate’ button to generate a US citizen profile.

fake name generator

When the US citizen profile has been generated, click on ‘Save this name’ to save the profile with your Google account so you can provide the same profile if ever PayPal requires it in the future.

fake name generator 2

Then write down the Address, Zip code, Phone Number, and SSN from the generated profile. The name won’t be needed, since you will be opening the account with your own name.

Now you need to create a special Gmail account or Yahoo as the case may be. Be careful, don’t ever use this special email for any other thing online just for PayPal only be warned.

Make sure your VPN is up and running, I normally use premium ExpressVPN though, and ensure to use ONLY USA server address. You can use to confirm your IP location.

Now, visit and click on the Sign-Up link and create an account there. Fill in your detail, space for email (write the special email you just opened), and don’t forget to choose the United State as your Country or region. Fill the rest of the form and ensure to use the same names you used on your Payoneer account on PayPal as well.

Use the address, phone number, and Zipcode you got from the generated profile. On completion, a verification link will be emailed to you. Click on the ‘Yes, this is my email’ button on the email sent to you to begin the activation of your PayPal account.

paypay email confirmation

A verified PayPal account provides comfort and a token of credibility to your employer who is going to pay you in the near future. There are two ways through which you can link and verify your PayPal account with Payoneer and they are:

  • By adding your card to PayPal; and
  • By adding the Bank account number and routing number is given to you by Payoneer to PayPal.

Verifying your PayPal with Payoneer Bank account number will give you access to transfer money from PayPal to Payoneer and withdraw your money without any much stress.

How to Link Card to PayPal Account

1. Make sure that you have some funds in your Card, at least $2

2. Go to your PayPal account and then to the account profile

3. From the drop-down menu, choose Link a card

paypal link a card

4. Type the sixteen digits of your card numbers

5. Enter the expiry date of the card in the next text box

6. Type your CVV (CSC) number. This 3-digit number on the back of your card

7. You should see your billing address there automatically and if not, enter it.

8. Click Save and you are done.

9. Once the card connected, your PayPal will be verified with 60% and you can start using it to receive and make payments online.

Adding Bank Account Number and Routing Number Given to You by Payoneer

This is another way of verifying and linking your Payoneer account with PayPal. This works even when you do not have any money on your card. To verify and Link your Payoneer account with PayPal, follow the instruction below:

1. Login to your U.S PayPal account

2. Drag the pointer to the right hand of your homepage or dashboard and hover it on “profile” or on Confirm your account as it may appear.

3. Select Link a card

4. Then, select Bank of America

paypal link acct

5. Scroll down and click on ‘Enter account number manually instead‘.

paypal maual selection of acct

6. Select Checking as your account type

7. Enter the Bank details that you had received from Payoneer US Payment Service, like Account number and Routing number. (You can also get this info by login to your Payoneer account, from the home page, click ‘Global Payment Service‘. You will see the needed detail there).

paypal card detail

8. Then click on the ‘Agree and Link‘ button. This will take 2-3 business days to get processed.

9. Small cents will be sent into your Payoneer account by PayPal

paypal payoneer charge

10. You are expected to log in to your PayPal and enter the cents in the correct spaces provided to you by PayPal.

Once you are able to do this correctly, your Payoneer account becomes linked and verified with PayPal! Now, you will be able to transfer the money paid into your PayPal to the US bank, which you added and you can withdraw it in your local bank through your Card.

Warnings: Always ensure to use a US IP address while accessing your US PayPal account.

Dedicate one browser for this alone, otherwise clear your browser cache and cookies always before login to your US PayPal Account. I’m using UC Browser for my Payoneer and PayPal alone.


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Picture of Sheu Abdullateef Funsho
Sheu Abdullateef Funsho
I'm a certified tech expert with over a decade of experience. Serving as a Blogger, Copywriter, Web Designer, Crypto Expert, and Digital Marketer. I'm passionate about sharing unique insights and ideas on technology and trends. Need help with any of these areas? DM me, and let's collaborate to achieve your goals with cutting-edge expertise.
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70 thoughts on “How to Open and Verify a US PayPal Account with Payoneer Account”

  1. Shelaf o, badass guy, u made my day with this post.
    Does the zip code include the two alphabets before the numbers? Again, I didn't get the info about cent transfer and where to lodge it on Payoneer right.

  2. Nice one sir, what if i receive money to my PayPal account from US, how will i get my money to Nigeria? Please put me through

  3. Bro, I did this 2 weeks ago but the problem is mobile number verification.
    If you don't verify your mobile number your will not be able to withdraw more than $500 per month according to my research. But I opened the account for someone who will be expecting more than $500 per month.
    My question is this: how can we verify the mobile number without any dime?

    I represent

  4. U are welcome and thanks for your wonderful contribution.
    Issue of verifying mobile number without paying a dime is the major problem we have. The available method I know is to buy a USA number for a small amount of money and get a monthly subscription. the virtual number can forward call to your local number at any country. this will help you for PayPal verification call and get the code to verify it at any time. But I believed, lots of expert are here with us, let here there contributions.

  5. Once you have linked your PayPal acct with your Payoneer account, you will be able to withdraw your PayPal money into your Payoneer account, then you can use your Payoneer master card to withdraw your money from your local ATM machine.

  6. Thanks. That means I will purchase the US phone number with $9.99.
    No problem. Thanks you once again.

  7. this tip is very very very helpful

    …but the amount that payoneer won't it affect the amount that PayPal will pay when using payonner to debit?


  8. im still trying to set up the payoneer account. stucked at where im asked to put in an account number, routing number and password. any help please

  9. breaking it down
    for instance
    using payoneer to debit may be #129 to a dollar
    while PayPal will pay #230
    if PayPal is now attached or linked to payoneer, won't it affect

  10. you dont need to keep spending money on vpn what you need to do is use nigerian normal ip and create it using link to usa paypal accout which you can get online. with this method you can sign up as usa and run it normal with your normal network you dont need to change your ip. but know that if you use free browsing or any stupid thing to do it they will block it.


    Really I don't think you have to spend a dime trying to get a u.s number verification for PayPal.

    Here you have two options which include using online services. A website that gives u a free number that you will give to PayPal and receive the text from its dashboard. Can't remember the website name for now but google is your friend.

    And secondly,you can create a free USA phone number with the aid of this article here.

  12. Ayeyoluwafemi

    Will i be able to link my Nigerian based payoneer account to the Paypal account with US citizen profile.

  13. bro you just said we should choose bank of america, meanwhile payoneer only gives Comunity federal savings bank account details to its registered member.

  14. this stuff is not working, my global payment service has been disbled. The PayPal account verification went well yesterday using the link bank method,but this afternoon I went to paypal for a transaction, I was shocked to see the account unverified. I tried re-doing the verification using the bank method, but I was told the payoneer bank account details have been disabled. I went to Payoneer and I was told my Global payment service is still active.
    This PayPal guys are too smart for my liking. They'll definitely trace the Payoneer details including ur address.

  15. Sir,
    Thanks for your contribution all the gurus in the room. Please i need answer to this question please? I open USA PayPal,i have verified the debit card but when attempt to verified the bank account i.e payoneer account, the token deposit to my email link is different from the one deposit to my payoneer i.e i received $0.10 as message in my email while i received $0.11 in my payoneer. I entered the amount i received in my email twice and it was not going while i tried the one inside payoneer once before i got the message that " sorry your bank was disable. Please what can i do to get verified with dis senaro?
    I was issued first century bank by payoneer and my finding when consulting customer support centre show that first century bank is not part of the bank recognize to verified PayPal. Then, quote your word sir? can i choose any bank as you said we can choose bank of America because some people to me are getting dis thing done. i used USA ip all through the process.
    Thanks for your response sir.

  16. Good day Shelaf,the SSN is not fully displaying it is showing xxxx at the last four digit how do i get all? thank you


  18. Mr shelf can I used my mobile phone for this opening and how do I set my phone VPN to USA steady VPN

  19. Shelaf how we using the USA VPN only when accessing PAYPAL Account? how much is the premium express vpn? Or is there a free steady USA VPN?

  20. Funsho, always verify information before you forward it to to ur readers. This PayPal post is false. My payoneer global payment service is disabled as a result of using it to verify a USA PayPal nonsense. Now, you ain't if bold enough to answer questions thrown at you. You really have to apologize and delete this deceitful post.

  21. some people are so stupid that they create a u.s paypal and then go on to login in later with a N.i.g.erian i.p,of course what do you expect other than to get a ban? The guy emphasized using a steady u.s i.p with a vpn and clearing browser caches but some people like you fall short of all these and come here crying fowl.

  22. Why can't Nigerians online users form a strong signature forum and give Paypal ultimatum to remove the restriction they placed for nigerians. I learnt Nigerians have spent around $600million this year alone purchasing online using their service. That is enough to give us our respect and remove all forms of restriction. Afterall, fraud is everywhere and not synonymous with Nigerians. I hate them for this. LET US MAKE OUR OPINION COUNT!

  23. Oga shelaf, thank you so much and God bless you, pls how person go fit get the card here in Nigeria, the pioneer card?

  24. Pls sir should the yahoomail or gmail for paypal verification be a us own because before creating a us own a number will be needed and i dont know how to get a free number

  25. Modern Nigerian Visual Artist

    The other day, Paypal announced that Nigerias are among their biggest shoppers but still ban us from earning. I have done this process before without the profile generator but one day I forgot to turn on my fake IP address and it got ban (together with the card). So I have to start all over again with a new card.

  26. Modern Nigerian Visual Artist

    Their are free (trial) versions but they occasionally change. If the IP address cahnge while you login to PayPal, that would mean instant ban from Paypal… Use a computer. If you have payment coming, you can download one and use the 7days free traial (withdraw) your money and leave.

  27. Mr shelaf you did not confirm this information before writing… everyone is asking questions and you are silent….too sad

  28. Hello I'm using US PayPal to receive and fund but some of my payment pending they asking to verify my account but I add payoneer but it says my the bank I add is disabled please what can I do?

  29. I have Nigeria payoneer account registered with Nigeria address as well with Nigeria IP, Please can I still connect it with USA Paypal account and Please can someone help me with one of this online job website that I can equally earn cash to my payoneer account as a student. Please I really need help if anyone can be of help on that please.

  30. Asides the trouble PayPal is making people go through, especially Nigerians, I do believe that payoneer in itself is enough to substitute for paypal, unless if you are stuck on doing business with paypal, but if it is for the purpose of receiving online payments and affiliate cheques, then Payoneer fits in perfectly because you will be given a USA bank account for free, and also a MASTERCARD shipped right to your door step also for FREE, these are services Paypal can never offer.

  31. You might not be asked for a mobile number immediately, but it will be required in your account, especially when you run into problems with your account due to VPN issues

  32. you can use a Nigerian gmail or yahoo mail to open the paypal accont, what matters most is using a USA IP address from the VPN to open the account, and also having a US phone number as at when required. Google offers free phone numbers to US and Canada citizens, you can also use your naija gmail to apply for this phone number if you have a good VPN. visit

  33. yes you can. You do not have to worry because the Payoneer detail allocated to you is for a US bank account, so paypal cannot see anything Nigerian about it

  34. As at when the post was written, Bank of America accounts was what Payoneer was issuing, so if you are doing the procedure and Payoneer allocates a different bank to you, please use the new bank name allocated and not Bank of America

  35. No it is not necessary

    However, when you start experiencing problems with your Paypal account especially due to the fact you are using a VPN service (that provides dynamic IP addresses instead of Static IP addresses) Paypal will require you to verify your account b4 logging in, and this verification requires calling your number (US) to give you a code that you will input before you can log in

  36. This steps are very well explained, if you follow it as instructed you will not run into problems, I have started opening my USA paypal account before i came across this post.

    I use a static vpn called Hotspot shield, i am using the premium version and i have earned over 500$ this month alone using This VPN in so may other sites banning Nigerian from using their sites.

    So please I advise every one having problems to please read the post again because this guy to me gave 99% details and if you follow you will not have problems.

    I also agree its time we form a strong a powerful group so we can give paypal request to remove the restriction from Nigerian users, because is bad yo allow us spend from Nigeria and the same system disallow us to bring in money in.


    Please Note!
    1.Only ACH (US local bank) transfers in USD can be accepted
    2.Transfers must be made from a company account
    3.Transfers from individuals will be automatically rejected
    4.Wire transfers are not supported
    5.Transfers made from a company account owned by you cannot be accepted
    The second part that says that transfers must be made a company account ? i dont get it but will they allow me to but down my paypal money to my payoneer virtual US bank account ??
    The same question for number five,so what can i do it seems that there is no possibility for me to withdraw my paypal account earnings to my payonner ? please help

  38. Sorry to hear, but I am in the process of getting to link my paypal to payoneer, and one thing to be sure is that you only access the accounts from a US IP address.(learn more about VPN)

  39. Hi Shelaf. I love this article. A real eye opener. I was not able to link my payoneer to my paypal, it's saying we are unable to process your process your request at this time, pls try again. i am confused.

  40. pls i want to comfirm somtin…hop i can only provide d foreign paypal mail to online jobs or app dat want to pay me tru paypal?…or i will need to create a nigeria paypal acct den if paid tru it..i can den transfer it to my usa paypal acct?…nd also is it good to us paypal app with d usa paypal acct den power it up with hotspot shield?..pls i need help sirs tnks

  41. pls can i use my usa paypal on acct on any site dat request to pay tru paypal online?…asin providing my usa paypal email or must i use my nigeria paypal email den wen get paid i can transfer it to my usa paypal email?…also pls can i use my usa my usa paypal acct on paypal app with hotspot shield apart from uc browser?…pls rply sir

  42. Thanks for this I really appreciate it. I have received my payoneer card and I have used it to verify my PayPal account. But 2 or 3days later the payoneer was removed by PayPal. Because they said they wanted to take back the money they sent into my payoneer for verification but payoneer didn’t let them take it back!!.. Please is there a way around this. Cos I have read people complaining online of this same issue.. After verifying, paypal will later remove your bank.

  43. I have read so many articles or reviews concerning the blogger lovers but this post is actually a
    good piece of writing, keep it up.

  44. Please does this method still work for now. I have gotten another method used to open one PayPal but could not verify it till bcuz of the issue of credit card and phone number

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