Did You Hear About New Biz Called Zarfund? Get In & Let’s Discuss How You Can Make 210k In Less Than 3 Weeks!

For certainty, money is one of the paramount things we need for survival. One without money is seen as valueless in our society. There is no amount of satisfaction that can be compared when you always have money to satisfy your pressing needs. To earn money you have to work.

In recent times, the traditional method of doing business is being replaced by e-business. Business enabled by digital technology is gaining momentum nowadays than ever before in history. Now, to become a businessman or woman, you do not need to own a shop or warehouse, you do not need a physical product to sell, you have not employed anywhere, etc. Gone are the days when people will refer to a neighbor who doesn’t go out of his home from Monday to Friday as a lazy and jobless man. Yes, someone can stay in the comfort of his home from Monday to Friday and make millions of Naira! Thanks to digital technology!

People no longer work hard rather they work smart!

There are so many ways to work smarter and make millions without stress in this Nigeria recession notwithstanding.

While people sit down and call on the name of a particular politician as the cause of their problems, the smart ones are busy using their fingers to enrich themselves with millions through the aid of their smartphone and Personal Computer.

For years now, a group of industrious entrepreneurs known as Global Business Experts has been researching and discovering many genuine online businesses that one can carry out without much stress and make millions. We recently discovered a new business and after 3 months of test running it, we can now confidently introduce it to others.

It is a special Bitcoin business, it will boost your financial status to what you have never imagined.

Here is a tested and confirmed Bitcoin business called Zarfund.


It is a new investment that the whole world can’t seem to stop talking about at the moment. The internet has been bombarded by diligent ones who search about it, and lots of savvy investors keep trooping in daily. It’s fast becoming a wildfire.

So why is there so much hype and buzz around Zarfund? The answer is simple. This new virus in town could make you rich beyond your wildest dream and its 100% scam free and transparent.

So what exactly is Zarfund?

Zarfund Bitcoin investment is a team-work based, investor – to – investor funding platform. The company started mid-August 2016 but is gaining substantial unmatched grounds the investment world has ever seen.

The founder and CEO of ZarfundBitcoin Investment

zarfund ceo

Hannes Jordaan


Zarfund Official Website: www.zarfund.com

Zarfund Pays – Here is the Proof!

zarfund profile sample

Seeing is believing let me show you my earnings, above is a screenshot of my Zarfund account.

Let me take a few minutes to explain the screenshot above, it shows the following:

  1. I joined Zarfund on the 17 September 2016
  2. I’m in level 4 or Platinum stage
  3. I have invested or donated a total sum of 0.38btc ($267.13) N133,500
  4. I have received 2.61btc ($1834.77) N917,000
  5. My profit so far is $1834.77 – $267.13 = $1567.63
  6. It’s just a little over 2 months

Let’s do a little maths: $1567.63 x N520 = N814,840, that’s my profit so far in two months.

Note: The start-up capital is 0.03btc, about N15,800 ($32usd) depends on the bitcoins exchange rate for that time. After this first investment, you will not invest any other money from your pocket again. You only reinvest some of your profits to progress.

Making N814k in just two months with little or no stress.

How does it work?

Zarfund Bitcoin investment is all about teamwork. As teamwork, the growth of each member does not fully depend on the individual’s effort in bringing people under him. The teamwork for the growth and progress of every member. So whether you can bring people or not your growth in zarfund is guaranteed as long as you are in a serious team, Unlike networking programs where each person bears the task of bringing hundreds of people before they can progress.

In Zarfund new investors donate to their uplines and that’s what is called a person to person contribution.

Zarfund’s powerful, sophisticated, and secure web integrated system regulates and monitors the donation exercise among team members. So there’s no room for irregularities or tricks, everything is clear and transparent.


Strategy 2 x 2 Upgrade Profit

THIS IS BASED ON EVERYONE JUST GETTING 2 participants (if you have more than 2 you can help your downline by placing these people under them)

What we are saying is this; In zarfund each member is required to have only two people placed under him or her. You can never have more than two people under you as downlines. Those two people under you also need to have two people placed under them as well, it continues this way. We call it the power of two.

For example, Peter joined zarfund Bitcoin investment and he invited two people, John and James. These new investors will pay Peter 32usd N15.800 each. By so doing, Peter has recovered his 15.8k which he used to join zarfund plus an extra 15.8k making it a total of 31.6k. Also, by having 2 people placed under him Peter qualifies to move up to level two.

Peter’s downlines James and John also need to have two people placed under them. This is how everybody in the team keeps having two people placed under them. This leads to the progress of every member of a team.

That’s how I made up to 800k in 2 months with Zarfund.

Team Work Made it Possible

Making rapid progress in Zarfund Bitcoin investment is very difficult without teamwork. I was able to get to level 4 and make N800k because I was in a team, not just a team but a team a serious team. As you can see in the strategy, you can’t place more than two people under you. Thus, to make progress in zarfund teamwork is required.

In our team, new investors are placed under the latest members of the team who are yet to have two people under them.

For instance, two investors, Peter and Tunde joined our team today. Then by tomorrow Obi, Musa, Bola, and Emeka join our team also. These 4 new investors will be placed under Peter and John in twos. When others come in, they will be placed under the 4 latest members respectively in twos.


In Zarfund You Don’t Worry About Bringing in People!

As stated earlier, your progress in zarfund doesn’t depend on your individual efforts in inviting people, rather it depends on the collective effort of the team. If some members of a team are unable to invite people, their progress in zarfund is still guaranteed because other members are doing the invitation. Also, most people in our team are bloggers and some are experienced internet marketers so they know how to do their job well. Therefore, not having someone to invite shouldn’t stop you from joining zarfund. The era of networking schemes that requires you to bring the hold of your village before you can progress has gone.

Let me relate an experience to you: I told a friend about zarfund, he liked the strategy, but gave an excuse that a person like him can’t succeed in zarfund because he will be unable to invite people. I explained things to him to my very best, I made him understand that zarfund is teamwork and your team works for you.  The guy later registered. After a few days of his registration, two people were placed under him and he got 16k 32usd each total of 33k 64usd, this was credited into his Bitcoin wallet and he moves to level 2.  Within two weeks his level 2 was completed and he got 90 US dollars as profit. He exchanged it to Naira in less than 6hrs and N45,000 was credited into his Naira bank account. When he disclosed the alert to his brothers, they became astonished and were eager to join our zarfund team. Imagine, this guy didn’t stress himself trying to persuade people rather the bank alerts did the hold talking for him. That’s how we roll..!

Estimated profit calculation of Zarfund System

LEVEL 1:  2 x 0.03btc

= 0.06btc – 0.05btc (upgrade to level 2)

= 0.01btc profit per month

LEVEL 2:  4 x 0.05btc

= 0.2btc – 0.1btc (upgrade to level 3)

= 0.1btc profit per month

LEVEL 3:  8 x 0.1btc

= 0.8btc – 0.2btc (upgrade to level 4)

= 0.6btc profit per month

LEVEL 4:  16 x 0.2btc

= 3.2btc – 1btc (upgrade to level 5)

= 2.2btc profit per month

LEVEL 5:  32 x 1btc

= 32btc – 2btc (upgrade to level 6)

= 30btc profit per month

LEVEL 6:  64 x 2btc

= 128btc profit per month

Breakdown in Naira

Level 1 profits = N4,500 (9usd)

Level 2 profits = N45,000 (90usd)

Level 3 profits = N210,000 ($420)

Level 4 profits = N770,000 ($1,540)

Level 5 profits = N10.5M ($21,000)

Level 6 profits = N42.4M ($84,000)

Note: The above profits are stated in Naira equivalent for easy understanding because we assumed many reading this post are yet to learn about Bitcoin which is Zarfund’s official currency. Zarfund is an international platform, thus people all over the world invests in Zarfund. This is why the generally accepted currency is a cryptocurrency called BITCOIN. It’s currently the most valued digital currency.

Just 1 Bitcoin is equivalent to 900USD. This means if you wish to own 1btc you have to give out $900 for it, which is more than N450,000.

If you are not familiar with Bitcoin that shouldn’t be an excuse to discard zarfund bitcoin investment. If you do, I bet you, you’ll soon regret it. There are over 50,000 Nigerians in zarfund presently. We are not the inventors of bitcoin, we all learned how to use it. So you too can understand bitcoin and transact with it. We are here to assist you. You can also do research on google about bitcoin.

When you earn bitcoin in zarfund we will help you exchange it to naira within 6hrs and your naira bank account will be credited.

FACT:  If You Join Our Zarfund Team Today and Within the Next 3 weeks from today 32 New People Joined Our Team, You Who Joined 3 Weeks ago before them will Make a Profits of N210,000.

Zarfund Is A Money Making Equipment

Yes, I want you to understand this very fact. Zarfund doesn’t pay members money or remuneration. Rather zarfund is just a platform or a tool that people utilize to make money by themselves.

Don’t think Zarfund is an organization like Helping Hands or GNLD etc.. So there’s nothing like you working for zarfund or becoming their affiliate, in which they will promise to pay you money or give you incentives for working with them or bringing people to join them. We are not criticizing any organization here, in fact, some people in our team are also members of these networking organizations and there are doing well there.

What I’m saying is that zarfund is money-making equipment. It’s just like a motor vehicle used for commercial purposes. The vehicle will not count money and give to the commercial driver. Rather, the driver uses the vehicle to work and earn money. Same with zarfund, people use the platform to make money on their own.

My dear brother and sister, Zarfund have the capability to fetch users 10 million Naira in a short period of time, just like a luxurious bus of 50 seaters can fetch a driver 250k in a day if he transports 50 people from Port Harcourt to Kaduna.

So Zarfund is a working tool… Just like a motor vehicle…

The Goal of our Team is to Drive Every Member to Ultimate Level 6 where they will Earn up to N42 Million!

How can this be achieved?

As a team of like-minded people, a team full of people with ambitions and goals; a team of vigorous men and women who think positively and the fear of the enemy of success called ‘Mr. Failure’ has no hold on them. We are determined to harness Zarfund to the peak. To help us achieve this, so many strategies, plans, and clear objectives have been put in order.

Most members of our team are well experienced in various online businesses and disciplines like internet marketing, multi-level marketing, cyberpsychology, etc. We have all come together to leverage the potentials in others. By joining our super team you will have the opportunity to work with people with ambitions to achieve your dreams.

Some Distinguish Members of our Teams are…


Ugochukwu John

Avate Communications Lagos



Sheu Abdullateef Funsho (Shelaf)

Shelaf World of Technology



Christiana Ekene

Everbright Ltd Port Harcourt



 Kyle Rodrigo




Kehinde Omotimi

Internet Marketer, Lagos

Our Zarfund Bitcoin team is not for everybody, it’s only for those who don’t only have dreams, but are eager to take swift action to achieve their dreams. We don’t want to run a team full of indolent and apathetic kind of people. No! We don’t need such ones among us!

To make sure such ones don’t even remain in Zarfund’s entire community, some rules and policies have been formulated, e.g. Every new member is given 24hrs deadline to upgrade after registration, thus dormant and inactive account is not tolerated.

How to Join our Team Today

To join our fast-growing team you MUST contact us for a registration link.

What if I’m not in Nigeria?

In Zarfund the country you are doesn’t matter. Zarfund is a global investment platform and it uses a digital currency (Bitcoin) that is globally accepted.

So if you’re not in Nigeria you can still be part of our team. Currently, we have people from 6 different countries in our team.

Starts Up Capital

The start-up capital in zarfund is fixed, 0.03 Bitcoin. But the Naira and dollar equivalent of this amount is constantly changing. Most times it fluctuates in minutes and hours. This is as a result of pressures in the Bitcoin market.

Take a look at Bitcoin volatility Chart from Google.


So as at the time this post was made the Naira and dollar equivalent of 0.03btc was N16,500.

When you contact any of our team assistants, they will tell you the current Naira and the dollar equivalent of 0.03btc.

To start making money on Zarfund Bitcoin investment, you must have a Bitcoin wallet, which serves as your bank account. Zarfund is a global platform where investors from many countries come together to invest thus the generally accepted currency is Bitcoin.

If you don’t have a Bitcoin wallet yet, please follow these steps to create.

  • To create a Bitcoin wallet go to www.blockchain.info
  • Click on the wallet and create a wallet.
  • After creating check your email for a confirmation.
  • Your wallet is ready!

Next is to fund your wallet with 0.03btc.

How do you get 0.03btc to fill in your Bitcoin account, and get started?

You have to change your Naira to Bitcoin.

Ways to get Bitcoin

  • For exchange companies online

Examples of such a reliable company is www.ecurrencydeals.com

  • From our team: The team managers pulled funds together to purchase huge amounts of dollars, which we do credit our newly registered members to enable them to upgrade immediately. With this arrangement our new members who are not experienced in the Bitcoin market are not exposed to fraudsters that can dupe them of their hard earn money in the process of selling Bitcoin to them.

So feel free to contact one of our team assistants for more information on how to receive dollars from us.

Team Assistants:


Mr. Jude, call/Whatapp 08135466326


Mr. Wisdom, +2347067041115 WhatsApp and Telegram


 Mr. Olaitan Gafar, 08030778869 call/WhatsApp

mr. Blaze ikenna 300x169 1

 Engr. Blaze Ikenna, 08134935543, call/whatapps

augustine onuoha 223x223 1

 Engr. Augustine Onuoha, 07038039705  


Mr. Ezimah Ugo, 08137930551 call/whatsapp


Mr. Micheal Kayode, 07067464613 call/whatapp

Mr. Emmanuel, 08038329952, call/what apps

Mr. Collins, 07038427188 call/whats apps

Mr. Onyedikachi, 07037720912 whatsapp

After funding your Bitcoin wallet next is to register for Zarfund. To register on Zarfund, you must use a unique link provided by a Zarfund team.

Note: If you visit zarfund.com and register without contacting us, that registration is void or invalid. You MUST contact us for a registration link if you really want to be part of our great team.

To get a registration link chat up with one of our Team Assistants list above.

If you are new in Bitcoin business, contact us for assistant. We will assist and guide you through the process and show you how simple and easy it its.

After you sign up, you will be added to our team’s Whatsapp group where you will meet and interact with other team members to receive more directions and guidance.

What are you waiting for?

Stand up now and take action if you don’t want to miss this great opportunity! You have been praying and seeking ways to financial freedom, here is it now! God has answered your prayers by directing you to this page.

The facts remain: Zarfund Bitcoin investment has the capability to change your financial status and make you smile to the bank in a short period of time.

FACT:  Due to the rate at which people are joining our Zarfund team these days, we can give you a guarantee that if you register today, within a week we will place two people under you and you will receive 15.8k each from them. The total amount of N31,600 will be credited to you. Hence, you qualify for level 2 where you will earn more money.

For more information and guidance contact our team assistants @ 07067041115, 08135466326, 08137930551, 07038427188, 07038039705, 08134935543 Call/WhatsApp and Telegram.

Zarfund – Together We Make This Money!

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Picture of Sheu Abdullateef Funsho
Sheu Abdullateef Funsho
I'm a certified tech expert with over a decade of experience. Serving as a Blogger, Copywriter, Web Designer, Crypto Expert, and Digital Marketer. I'm passionate about sharing unique insights and ideas on technology and trends. Need help with any of these areas? DM me, and let's collaborate to achieve your goals with cutting-edge expertise.
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171 thoughts on “Did You Hear About New Biz Called Zarfund? Get In & Let’s Discuss How You Can Make 210k In Less Than 3 Weeks!”

  1. Shelaf thanks very much for introducing this new biz tonus at least it will help most people

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  2. the problem here is that most time these groups will promise u heaven and earth just to get u registered. Shelaf how sure are we we won't be left to fed for our DL ourself. coz I believe u are a person of integrity, hope this Zarfund won't make u loose it. coz if at all I wld be joining it will be bcoz of the integrity this ur blog has. pls do respond @shelaf.

  3. The person above me just said my mind @olayinka . Shelaf to be honest i don't like this multi-level marketing of a thing and mmm and so on but what you posted on your website is different. and for the fact that you posted means is for real and you attest to it.

    Though i know is business but i really trust your words. I will chat up on of your assistance regarding this but i really wish we wont be left to fend for our own downlink. cuz i got to be honest, i don't know how to do that.

    thnks – exlinklodge.com

  4. I'm interested to join but if it's networking thing that requires referral, I don't have enough time to get people around.

  5. no matter what happen we are still nigerian ooo only Igbo guys will understand what i mean, shelaf thanks shaa for the info

  6. Yes it is and more real if you join our team. You can't imagine the tireless efforts the team-lead is putting to see all come up level 6.

  7. Kassim you've got a committed team at your service doing all the work since you are a member. But that don't stop you sharing the good will to your friends and family. You'll be happy you are part of this team!

  8. Olayinka team work pays and in this team we got each others back… don't be skeptic or too afraid. The team has a vision which it will not fail to accomplish. Why not take the bold step.

  9. @shelaf i hv been sombody who hv discourage my friends nd a lot of ppl 4rm doing mmm. I alway bliv ur post 2 b genuine. Hop diz zarfund is sometin genuine as u hv xplain bcos i hardly do online business. If i dcide 2 do it nw its bcos of u o. I really wish i wld nt do much as 4rm wat u posted.

  10. your team is not responding. i read there is a whatsapp forum and contacting the assistant no response till now. i went on to register on my own and the Admin allocated a sponsor to me. But someone said i should ignore that and do again. Now, how do i go with the registration? i have open a bitcon wallet account but yet to be funded…. my e-mail is dathors[at]gmail.com

  11. My name is Oyedapo OYENIYI. I joined Zarfund yesterday, made my first payment this morning, and within 2 hours, I got my first referral. Weldone Shelaf, Jude and Wisdom. I'm awaiting my 2nd referral. These people actually kept their word. They said I'll get 2 referrals within a week, but I got my first referral within my first 2 hours. Thank you

  12. Good morning Funsho, I registered since Tuesday though I've been referred to someone but the information on my dashboard says I should upgrade and the team assistant has not been responding to my chat, please help me ou. It is disheartened to hear someone registering a day after having his first referral.

  13. Akindiran Oludayo

    I am Akindiran Oludayo, I join Zarfund through this team on 15/11 and got 1 referral the following day. This is not a scam. kindly john this moving train before it is too late. the earlier the better and share this post with your friends

  14. My testimony just under a day. Cos am in the best team ever. Shelaf, wizzy and Jude are the best. I got my referral and moving ahead ahead. Together we will all get there.

  15. @Kassim this is a great observation because i wonder if you since Tuesday and nothing was done and Mr. Anonymous got his within a day then there is an issue. The team should try and gear up as people are looking at you with good mind set as a result of the platform which most people trust…. Please clear people doubts. You said of giving us your team link and discouraged us from other link, even to close already open account which we are obliging to cos you will perform very well for us but you havent published the link yet.
    Give us the full details: bank info and the links.

  16. Sorry about that, hope you have been attending to? If not, kindly forward ur mobile number to my mail: shelaf4ever[at]gmail.com, I will get in touch with you.

  17. Me want to fund my wallet through your team but got no response from the chat I sent to one of the agent. Maybe I should fund from other alternative you gave and again my concern is if I fund my wallet whats the assurance that this team will send me a link for zarfund, when there is no response from them when trying to fund my wallet tru them.

  18. Wow, this wow!!!.

    Thank you for this information of a wonderful opportunity such as this. I've joined and I must say, it feels good to be home and among trusted people. Yeah, challenges I encountered while registering:

    1. Only Google Chrome browser serves better especially while creating my bitcoin account on blockchain as majority of the other browsers either were not supported or ReCAPTCHA issue.

    2. I also endured the delay in response from the agents with respect to the registration link, how to get dollars from them and for my bitcoin wallet to be credited of which I think it's because of the so many subscribers. My Upline has nevertheless been of great help. One way also is to get into the Zarfund Whatsapp group chat. I'm truly amazed at the rate people are joining this business. It's worth it. Thank you once again, Mr Kolawole (shelaf) for making available this info.

  19. Follow the procedure as stated above, get in touch with the agents, Mr Jude and Mr Wisdom through their contacts provided above. You can also reach me on tobidman[at]gmail.com for candid info of the business, void of 'sugarcoating' (calling a spade a spade). The business is legit. Do away with skepticism, join early!!!

  20. I registered due to the trust i have for anything posted on this blog. I was really impressed by d swift assitance i got from one of the team members. So its been 2 days now and i havn't received a single referral.. Pls look into this. Thanks.

    Email is Emmanuelikoya99[at]gmail.com

  21. Hi I only joined zarfund because u said it's good. I registered with ur team juz like you instructed. But I've not been added to a chat group like u promised. I've contacted your supposed team members including the ones who helped me registered but still I hav not been added to a group on WhatsApp to learn more and also I've not been given any referral.

    Pls do something. My name is favour and this is my WhatsApp number 08149545181.

  22. Please your assistance medium is very low, the team are not responding to people why? You guys should do something about it

  23. It was as a result of overcrowding, people are really turned up, in fact, it's beyond what we planned for and we are trying our best to make thing be in order. As you can see from the above post, 5 more admin as been added and they all working tirelessly for everybody in the group to get to the top level. Please, bear with us.
    Hope you have been attending to?

  24. Pls I need help I registered for the zarfund but after transferring the bitcoin it's telling me end point not found and I have less than a day to upgrade…. Pls someone should come to my aid my Num is 07033228167

  25. Good morning Funsho, i have registerd and made payment already but till now no referrals has been added to me. I heard of another team that d lady complained that they are playing pranks by favoring some persons, that is she was able to find out that some persons she registered before them even up to a month where given more downlines than she and she was told in confidence that her suspicion is true… so i hope this group will not give itself a bad name out of greed and keep to its promise which has brought us all to join ur team. As u know if i dont have referrals before d end of the month i will be paying my sponsor again which is a lost to me so pls keep to your words. Even the whatsapp forum, you have not added me 08054337870. Secondly, someone called me to pay in 0.05btc when im still on 0.03btc level and moreover i just paid my sponsor, so i told him to check very well as it may be an error…. Please Funsho, look into this to keep the integrity of Shelaf

  26. I registered since last week but no referral yet, I know is not that easy but more effort should be put to ensure subscribers satisfaction.
    I must appreciate mr. Funsho Kolawole (shelaf) and the entire team for this wonderful vision to take each and every member of the team to level 6. please give me a referral to keep my hope alive.
    please also add my no. 08032393151 to the group chart. thanks

  27. I have registered since Sunday but I am yet to get any downline and I have even told my friends to join ur team and they have joined,only one out of two got one downline,besides,let my no 08060962202 be added to ur team group,Mr Funsho please take note,because I believe in u

  28. Wizzy abeg add me up or chat me up on whatsapp other team admins are forming unnecessary boss…08162350121 I want to register today.

  29. I joined this fastest growing Zarfund team in the world in on the 14th of November, now am in level two. Please, don't waste time, make use of this opportunity to make money, let's make this money together.

  30. Kudos to the team, i joined last week and am already in level 2 with 2 people under me. Lets make that Money people
    Name: George Agho
    No. 52

  31. My name is Oyedapo OYENIYI. I joined the Zarfund platform on Monday, November 14. Within 5 days I was given my 2 referrals, and I've upgraded to level 2. What a swift upgrade. @Shelaf,@Wisdom, @Jude. You all rock… My number is 43. L2 1F

  32. Thumbs up to the mr shelaf for introducing this to us.. i registered on the 16th and within 3days i got my referrals. Now ive upgraded to level 2. You guyz are the best. No 90. L1 3f

  33. kudos to you guys @shelaf team, Zarfund is a great investment, after i registered, i got two referrals within two days which translates a gain of 3,500! what more can i say! To my fellas out there who have not join, u guys are really missing a lot. Join Zarfund today, where team work makes you a millionaire.

  34. Omg i can't believe this stuff is real i just joined and within a week I'm already in level 2 and waiting to go to next level Thanks shelf the post I've always followed you up and you're making my dream come true to all of you still waiting… Time is money if i was till waiting this is how i would've be losing my money, no time to waste guys. this my what's app number +2347066450128 I'm a living prove that Zarfund pays 🙂

  35. Thanks Shelaf for introducing me to this Biz, am now in LEVEL 2 within 1 week of joining the group. My name is Shittu Ademola Afobaje 08162293648. Dont wait too long before joining the moving Train. Chat me to see the screenshot of how my money is growing

  36. I received a mail about zarfund from shelaf on 15th November and because it's shelaf, i had to join.
    And very early on 17th of November,i got my two referrals and i was able to upgrade to level two.
    You need a real and effective time to join, join this ASAP.

  37. This is real, the team admins are working and there is a great deal of progress in the team. I registered last week and am now in level 2,am on number 56 on the team list. I encourage you to join today, you won't be disappointed.

  38. I registered on the 16th of November , got my 2 referrals the next day, 17th. Now in LEVEL 2. No 74 on the list. Dedicated admins. Jude…08052076371

  39. Zarfund is the best thing happening now. Thank God I joined early. If you're yet to join the team then you're missing out. 08136890955

  40. Omg i can't believe this stuff is real i just joined and within a week I'm already in level 2 and waiting to go to next level Thanks shelf the post I've always followed you up and you're making my dream come true to all of you still waiting… Time is money if i was till waiting this is how i would've be losing my money, no time to waste guys. My number is #53 and I'm a living prove that Zarfund pays 🙂

  41. I've always been a sceptic when it comes to networking due to the horrible experiences I've had in the past and the stress involved but I joined this team based on my trust for shelaf and I wasn't disappointed at all. I joined last week and I'm already in level 2 (silver) with my 2 referrals. Though a profit of 3,500 seems meager but it's only the beginning. Kudos to the greatest team in the world! Together, we make this money!

    Sam Law (No. 61 on the list)

  42. Fellow Nigerians let's all join the best team ever in making our tomorrow a profitable one through Zarfund because that is where the true money grows like trees planted by the river side.

  43. Thanks Shelaf for for your effort to be a honest person, i registered for Zarfund and in just one week you provided two referrals for me and from the list on whatsapp group i am the 36th person with two referrals, i cant thank your team enough. honestly i am enjoying this.

  44. My name is Okonkwo Motole Adesola I joined Zarfund on the 14th of Nov. 2016. Am in Level 2 2F within a week thanks to @Wisdom @Jude and @Shelaf. My number is 35 on the list

  45. My name is Agbaje Michael, I joined the Zarfund platform on the 16th of November and I have gotten my referrals within a week, now on L2
    Am no 60 L2 1F. @ shelf, Jude and wisdom promise made, promise fufiled

  46. I oguntade kolapo joined this team based on my trust for shelaf and I wasn't disappointed at all. I joined on the 14th November and I have gotten my referrals within a week, now on level 2. i am the 38th person.Kudos to the greatest team in the world! Together, we bring our big idea to life.

  47. Hey people this real. I joined on the 15th of November and in 7 days I'm on level 2. My name is Chukunonso Okoli and I'm number 47. Please you guys should join so we can grow together.

  48. I am Usman Abdulhakeem I joined zarfund on 16 November 2016 am now in level 2 with 2 referral and number 28 in the WhatsApp group list i want assure all the new members that the admins are trying their best to get them referral for the success of the team cos we are all working as a team once again i hail the admins

  49. Am already in level 3 had my upgrade yesterday and am enjoying my bonus. Zarfund is you out there still thinking of when to join. Dont miss this golden opportunity. Join this team.

  50. Thought this wasnt working but its happening good, Zarfund is true and an enlightening investment drive and also kudos to the Admin Team for their efforts. im Datonye Horsfall just joined less than a week now and seeing positive results…..

  51. :O wat a super fast team i joined less than a week but already got my 2 referals am now #49 L2 2F without stress thanks to admins
    Keep it up (h)

  52. Am Ugwueze Covenant Tochukwu No:67 from Nsukka,Enugu State.I can testify about this great Zarfund Team called SHELAF.The team is a very nice team,kind and promise fulfillment.I joined the team last week and I brought you a good news which goes like this,I have gotten my two referrals and upgraded to level 2 in less than a week.I urge you to join in order to be financially buoyant within a twinkle of an eye.THANKS


    Zarfund is real indeed, I joined Zarfund through this wonderful team on November 14, and upgraded to level two already with one referral all within one week. Kindly join the moving group on time to avoid regret ….I am Akindiran Oludayo, No. 34 on the team list….

  54. My name is Favour Udom.i am number 76 on the list. I joined zarfund group through shelaf and within a week, I'm in level two. All thanks to the group.

  55. My name is Nzenwata…….what a wonderful team, i joined on 24th Nov, yet to get my referrals but i believe in what the team can do.Kudos to all that have put there efforts to keep the train moving…

  56. pls help me mr shelaf,i already open Zarfund from from other person and i wish to benefit from shelaf.pls help me i beleive in you. 08137991718,olaniranbam[at]gmail.com

  57. Hmmmmmm,i am afraid of this zarfund of a tin o,cos i can see pple sayin dey wil mak anoda contribution n in d post i thought one jus has 2 pay anytime 1 feels lik,moreso i paid 2 mr jude n he is yet 2 giv me further directives….pls come 2 ma aid o,oga shelaf

  58. Toochukwu Leonard

    This is Toochukwu Leonard. I joined the team on 16th November, though it took a while, I finally got my 2 referrals on 29th November. Hope the next stage is faster. Thanks team

  59. im Datonye Horsfall. I joined the team on 19th November, 2016 and got my referrals within the week and on level 2. The team is working hard and needs more support…. Up Zarfund!!!

  60. I have register on blockchain and now I want to fund my e wallet so I would be able to register on Zarfund, Pls shelf, I need a direct referee link from you and I want you to help me fund my e wallet directly from you Pls. I have people I would bring in to zarfund but I need to be sure myself and be safe about it before introducing it to them so I'm taking the risk. Pls my contact is +2347064282218. Hope to read back from you

  61. I have similar case pls, Sherif. I registered blockchain too in order to join Zarfund and be under your team. here is my contact: 08035834395.

  62. Hi shelaf. I want to join please can u add me to the whatsapp group and send me the link. No is 08103277002. I hope I can really get back me money in a week. Thanks


    Mr. Wisdom, 07067041115, WhatsApp and Telegram
    Mr. Jude, 08135466326 WhatsApp and Telegram
    Mr. Ezimah Ugo, 08137930551, call/whatsapp

    Mr. Micheal Kayode, 07067464613, call/whatapp

    Mr. Emmanuel, 08038329952, call/what apps
    Mr. Collins, 07038427188 call/whatsapps


    Mr. Wisdom, 07067041115, WhatsApp and Telegram
    Mr. Jude, 08135466326 WhatsApp and Telegram
    Mr. Ezimah Ugo, 08137930551, call/whatsapp

    Mr. Micheal Kayode, 07067464613, call/whatapp

    Mr. Emmanuel, 08038329952, call/what apps
    Mr. Collins, 07038427188 call/whatsapps


    Mr. Wisdom, 07067041115, WhatsApp and Telegram
    Mr. Jude, 08135466326 WhatsApp and Telegram
    Mr. Ezimah Ugo, 08137930551, call/whatsapp

    Mr. Micheal Kayode, 07067464613, call/whatapp

    Mr. Emmanuel, 08038329952, call/what apps
    Mr. Collins, 07038427188 call/whatsapps


    Mr. Wisdom, 07067041115, WhatsApp and Telegram
    Mr. Jude, 08135466326 WhatsApp and Telegram
    Mr. Ezimah Ugo, 08137930551, call/whatsapp

    Mr. Micheal Kayode, 07067464613, call/whatapp

    Mr. Emmanuel, 08038329952, call/what apps
    Mr. Collins, 07038427188 call/whatsapps


    Mr. Wisdom, 07067041115, WhatsApp and Telegram
    Mr. Jude, 08135466326 WhatsApp and Telegram
    Mr. Ezimah Ugo, 08137930551, call/whatsapp

    Mr. Micheal Kayode, 07067464613, call/whatapp

    Mr. Emmanuel, 08038329952, call/what apps
    Mr. Collins, 07038427188 call/whatsapps


    Mr. Wisdom, 07067041115, WhatsApp and Telegram
    Mr. Jude, 08135466326 WhatsApp and Telegram
    Mr. Ezimah Ugo, 08137930551, call/whatsapp

    Mr. Micheal Kayode, 07067464613, call/whatapp

    Mr. Emmanuel, 08038329952, call/what apps
    Mr. Collins, 07038427188 call/whatsapps


    Mr. Wisdom, 07067041115, WhatsApp and Telegram
    Mr. Jude, 08135466326 WhatsApp and Telegram
    Mr. Ezimah Ugo, 08137930551, call/whatsapp

    Mr. Micheal Kayode, 07067464613, call/whatapp

    Mr. Emmanuel, 08038329952, call/what apps
    Mr. Collins, 07038427188 call/whatsapps

  70. jst joined 2day…mr.wisdom was a great help…tank u sir nd a sexy tanks 2 u shelaf 4 dis info….next stop…mmmunited!!

  71. Hi Shelaf.
    Thanks for the post. I have created my blockchain wallet and aswell created my instant gold account. but I can't fund my bitcoin account.( it keeps redirecting me back to the fund account page when I choose my payment option.) pls I need assitance

  72. … About this Zarfund, I read about it and it say is ponzi system. Can some please comes forward and enlighten me more about this ponzi? Because I have a lot of people that are ready to register under me, but i'm scared to loose my reputation since they strongly believe me about everything I said or bring about. Mr Shelaf I'm waiting for your reply. Thanks.

  73. … About this Zarfund, I read about it and it say is ponzi system. Can some please comes forward and enlighten me more about this ponzi? Because I have a lot of people that are ready to register under me, but i'm scared to loose my reputation since they strongly believe me about everything I said or bring about. Mr Shelaf I'm waiting for your reply. Thanks.

  74. zarfund is not a ponzi scheme. ponzi schemes will promise to double your money after a specified period. in zarfund you invest and start working to earn. whatsapp 07067041115 for more info

  75. I love everything I read here. But! I guess somebody or Mr. Shelaf should explain how the interest is generated. Is scary to profit in business without risk of loss. If the bitcoin is sold to generate interest, I think I should learn that too.
    Bcus of the trust I have for Shelaf.com and all is help, that's why am considering to join.

  76. What about the issue of monthly subscription on zarfund how does this affect individual progress. Just need enlightenment.

  77. I join a group but not urs..can I still register with dsame acct? If yes please reply me on my mail…icotoval[at]yahoo.com

  78. nnakwe chimezie

    Exactly @ faruk, someone said you have to invest and work hard on your investment before earning, please. What exactly will I invest on it.

  79. Yes indeed many people complain that no money in this recession but surely that is a old story in 2016 because zarfund is here to make those who believe in their dreams to become financially rich in 2017 a reality thanks to shelaf team for making my dreams come true with zarfund in just 3 days of joining this team I am already in stage 2 twale to this team of true intelligence and great minds of team work what are you waiting for to grab this great opportunity while it is still very fresh join this team today and see for your self how this team is moving on the fast track and taking every member to the ultimate level 6 where financial freedom is guaranty.

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