Get Advanced English Dictionary & Activation Code + How You Can Update V3.0 tO 4.0

We all know that a dictionary is very useful to everybody, especially to Students, Teachers, Researchers, etc.

When we are talking about the dictionary, it is very important to get a comprehensive dictionary in order to obtain a comprehensive and accurate interpretation of the words you are searching for. Thus, I hereby present and recommend the Advanced English Dictionary (AED) as one of the best mobile dictionaries.

Advanced English Dictionary

The product works  perfectly with the below platform versions:

  • Symbian V2,3 and 5
  • Java™ devices (with more than 6MB of execution memory)
  • iPhone/iPod touch
  • iPad
  • UID 3 e.g. Sony Ericsson M600, Ericsson P990 etc.
  • BlackBerry® phones

Features of Advanced English Dictionary

  • One of the largest databases
  • Links between words
  • Accurate content
  • Spectacular
  • Easy to use
  • Lots of sample usage
  • Fast
  • State-of-the-art compression technology
  • GUI designed for s60 phones

Click here to read and understand more about its features.

Before you can use the full version of this application, you suppose to purchase a license and it cost $14.95, equivalent to #2,392 of Nigeria money, you may click here to testify to what am talking about. But don’t worry the activation code will be released to you free of charge and is in the attachment file you are going to download, in which you are going to register it free.

Click the below link to get your copy of the Advanced English Dictionary (AED).

Download AED_v3.0.jar

Also, download the Registration Code here.

How to Register the Advanced English Dictionary after the Installation

Open your AED, tap on the Register & InfoAdvanced English Dictionary & Activation Code

Fill the User ID and Code with the attached code in the file you downloaded and click Ok.

Your dictionary was Successfully Registered!

You can now enjoy your Advanced English Dictionary.

How to Update Advanced English Dictionary Version 3.0 to 4.0

Advanced English Dictionary

Why do you need to update your AED version 3.0 to 4.0?

V3.0 was copyright© of 2003-2006 while V4.0 was copyright of 2003-2008 in which you suppose to know that additional features must be added to V4.0 and lapses of V3.0 corrected in V4.0. With this little point, I think it deserves an update, but Version 4.0 did not accept the code directly due to the latest database being used to protect it but we always find a way out.

Update your V3.0 to 4.0 with this simple logic.

Click the below link to download your copy of AED version 4.0

Download AED_v4.0.jar

After downloading, don’t remove the old registered version, just click on the new version you download to install, and it will say: ‘AED’ already exists. Replace version 3.0 with version 4.0? Just click Yes and allow it to install.

That is all, your dictionary is now updated to v4.0 without asking for any registration code.

Note: Don’t install v4.0 initially because it will not accept that code unless you first installed v3.0 and updated it to version 4.0.

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Picture of Sheu Abdullateef Funsho
Sheu Abdullateef Funsho
I'm a certified tech expert with over a decade of experience. Serving as a Blogger, Copywriter, Web Designer, Crypto Expert, and Digital Marketer. I'm passionate about sharing unique insights and ideas on technology and trends. Need help with any of these areas? DM me, and let's collaborate to achieve your goals with cutting-edge expertise.
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35 thoughts on “Get Advanced English Dictionary & Activation Code + How You Can Update V3.0 tO 4.0”

  1. i luv dis work tanx.i jst downloaded n install it now but its say "registration process failed".help pls

  2. Just look at d activatn code very well & insert it accordingly, it will surely say: registration successful. But remember dat it is only v3.0 accept reg code. When u are inserting d code in 2 d v4.0, u won't get 9ice result. Try 2 read & understand d explanation very well.

  3. After installing AED v4.0 over the 3rd version,that u crack usin the user id and registration,open AEDv4.0.Then,click register option.In the registration menu leave d user id and code as blank(becoz user id and code of v3.0 automatically works.) and again click on register.Dat is all nd AED v4.0 is fully cracked…it fully worked for jst..njoy.

  4. bro, initially I downloaded aed_v3.0 nd trid the code that came vit the zip file nd the result is no luck. Nw i downloadd v4.0 nd updatd to v.4.0 nd again i tried the same code, stil no luck. Plz help me. I desparately need a mob dic- rajendaryadav.p[at]

  5. Delete v4.0 & reinstall v3.0, d v3.0 must accept d code b4 u can think of upgrading 2 v4.0 & mind u when u are installing version v4.0 & u will see prompt response asking u 2 Save the existing data? Just click yes, if u want ur v4.0 2 work normal bcz u don't ave 2 insert d code in to v4.0 b4 it can b done.

  6. pls mr funsho, i downloaded d 3rd version but d code is nt working on it, it kept sayin reg fail. pls wat i cn i do or is dere any dictionaries dat i cn use without hackin my fone bcos dat nortion hackin is nt working 4mi? .Tnx bro

  7. please supply me with the registration code. I tried the two download options but none worked; the first option said the domain has expired, and the second actually downloaded but was empty when i opened it. (please send the code to my email on nickelo46[at] Thanks a lot.

  8. Hello Mr shelaf, I think its better 2 drop d link as a comment here than to be dropping into pple's mail 4 d benefits of ur blog readers and to make ur work look more proffessional & selfless. My opinion though.

  9. Is for java phones but u can use it on ur android device with d help of Java Emulator, check out d link below 4 d detail on how to get it done:…

  10. U have a good point, tnx 4 d nice contribution.
    D place which i uploaded it to, is my web forum & it has little problem 4 now, which am trying to fix it. People will be able to access those links back as soon as am thr wit my work. Tnx

  11. Bro,I'm from Bangladesh.I desperately was seeking this dictionary and got it.but the link you mentioned can't be redirected.please mail me the direct download link and code.My mail is[at]
    thanks in advance 🙂

  12. I have downloaded Cambridge advance learner dictionary 3rd edition and d trial period is over I need d activation code to make it work perfectly.pls help me I need d activation code urgently. mail Hayslimm[at]

  13. Please tell me activation code for Cambridge advanced learner's dictionary. I am in need of it a lot and ony this dictionary on Android mobile. Thanks.

  14. Idiotic and additionally trusting people at the same time can be an obstacle, on aged and also fully grown folk assembled also will follow a complication. Age and also embryonic concern together. English vocabulary in use

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