How to Easily Unlock Internet Modems Without Any Software

The Idea of Unlock our Internet Modem is now known to everybody, I Guess! Though some people without their Own PC Still find it hard to Unlock Modem because they need a Software to Generate the Unlock Code but the Good News is that their is good Website that offer Modem Unlock Code where you Provide your Modem IMEI Number only.


Though have Written a Tutorial on How to Unlock Modems using a Simple Software but i sense this is going to be Cool because you can Actually Unlock Modem and get Paid even without your PC with you. With this Website, You don’t need to have your Own PC before you can Unlock Modem. Steps to Get Your Modem Unlocked Online

  • Get your Modem and Look at the Back to Locate its IMEI Number, Usually Start with 35 e.g352379420752120, Just Write down the Number and the Maker of the Modem e.g Huawei or ZTE.
  • Click on any of this Link:

for Huawei Modem | For ZTE Modem

  • Then you will see a Space for IMEI, Enter the Number at the Back of your Modem and then click on the Calculator Button.
  • Your code will be Provided to You e.g Unlock: 37661250 or NCK = 37663240

Now The Next Steps To Take!

  1. The Generating of the Code is always the Hardest Part of Modem Unlocking, What you have to do next is to Remove the SIM Card in your Modem and Insert another SIM Card that is different from the Network of the Modem e.g If the Modem is an MTN F@stlink Modem, You will have to Insert an AIRTEL Sim or GLO into the Modem and Plug it to your PC.
  2. Just wait, A Pop Up will come up requesting for your Unlock Code, Just Enter the Code you Generated from the Website e.g 37661250 and click on OK.
  3. Congratulation, Your Modem has been Unlocked and you can now Use it with any Network for Browsing! 

Note: Some people charge #500, #1000 or more, in order to unlock modem for people using this trick, Please appreciate by comment and don’t forget to click on Share/Like button. If you enjoyed this post and wish to be informed whenever a new post is published, then make sure you Subscribe to our regular Email Updates!

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Picture of Sheu Abdullateef Funsho
Sheu Abdullateef Funsho
I'm a certified tech expert with over a decade of experience. Serving as a Blogger, Copywriter, Web Designer, Crypto Expert, and Digital Marketer. I'm passionate about sharing unique insights and ideas on technology and trends. Need help with any of these areas? DM me, and let's collaborate to achieve your goals with cutting-edge expertise.
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385 thoughts on “How to Easily Unlock Internet Modems Without Any Software”

  1. pls is this applicable to phone,my small lg phone is dieing of virus,and i have tried some many means to flash it but its nit connecting,pls can you help me out

  2. kindly assist me to unlock this Airtel internet modem.
    Huawei E173u-2
    Imei no 867749015297942
    my email bolmarc2020[at]

  3. @bolmarnest Ur modem can't unlock with generating code, it can only be unlock with DC Unlocker & it require credits.

  4. hey funsho sorry for being anonymous. Please could you Assist me in unlocking a zte AC2766 modem been trying for years now

  5. Pls i've tried d dc-unlocker 2unlock ds Glo bolt modem bt ko gbo faa. I've d IMEI,UNLOCK CODE & FLASH CODE. Pls help me out.

  6. pls can you help me unlock this modem? etisalat
    IMEI:354594032761441 tnx in email is paulflip87[at]

  7. in as much as i knw how to unlock with software,i tried this believe me you,it worked perfectly.this guy is great joor.Henryswagpoint……..
    #team shelaf

  8. pls how can this new airtel modem be unlocked…if u are talking of having credit on dc unlocker,how can one get credit?

  9. sir bros,thanks to all ur help.but i still need one more help.i was chareged 5k b4 i culd unlock my modem.but whn i saw ur post,i was so sad dat i saw it late.any way i have downloaded the DC UNLOCKER,but how do i get the credit for it?dat my problm sir,pls come to my rescue.thanks a million.

  10. @Funsho Kolawole pls sir bros,tell kindly how and were to get the DC UNLOCKER credit now PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.

  11. @Anonymous My dear friend, u are welcome & thanks 4 d testimony.
    Anonymous said…

    in as much as i knw how to unlock with software,i tried this believe me you,it worked perfectly.this guy is great joor.Henryswagpoint……..
    #team shelaf

  12. @Dennis Oshilim U must get paypal account b4 u can ave access 2 buy credit 2 ur dc unlocker.
    Full tutorial on it will b release soon.

  13. Guy can you help me fund my paypal? I opened it as a ghanian user since dey dnt operate in niaja but i can't fund it. Plssss help me out am in dire nid of it. Blessed be…

  14. Pls da gr8 funsho, paypal is dosnt operate in naija. Pls i wnt you to assist me in fundind my account. Plssssssssssss abeggggg am in dire nid of it. Thanks a billion tyms. Blessed be….. U do for us God do 4u.

  15. Funsho da gr8test, u do for us and God do for u. Pls i need ur assistance seriously in funding my paypal account for me. Pls i need ur assistance since dey dnt operate in naija, i can't fund it. Pls help me.. Blessed be..

  16. @abuchi aligwo The only solution to fund ur account is buying and selling between two PayPal
    account owners. Here’s how the scenario goes:
    Person A has got $100 in his account and wants to withdraw it
    badly. Person B needs $100 in his PayPal account so he can pay for
    some goods online. Person B approaches Person A and offers to pay him the equivalent of his $100 in local/foreign currency and in return Person A transfers the $100 in his account to Person B’s account.
    A deal is struck and in the end Person A has successfully withdrawn
    the $100 in his account while Person B has successfully funded his account with $100 and can now proceed to shop online.
    Currently i don't ave money in my paypal acct but i can connect u with people dat will sell it 2 u if u really need it.

  17. mr funso pls help me out am trying to unlock an huawai airtel modem but its unsucessful,its telling me that 0 attempt left out of 10 pls help me out.tnks in anticipation.

  18. Which means u ave entered incorrect code 10 times & u must rest d unlock counter b4 talking of Ao 2 unlock ur modem.
    Click on d link below 4 d detail ao 2 reset d unlock counter:
    How To Reset The Unlock Counter Of Permanent Blocked Huawei Modem

  19. @Funsho,thanks for the free help tutor. Iwas able to unlock my ZTE modem, but can't still connect to any netwrok though the ZTE software can identify the networkbut won't connect. It displays the remote computer has stopped the connection. Pls i need ur help.

  20. Hello guys my name is FAISAL how are u all doing, hope ur doing fine and may (God) bless u in d world and bles u with paradise amen. The problem with my modem (huwei E303s-1) is dat i cant unlock it.i tried using dc unlocker but it culd nt dictect it. I tried to so many ways it did nt work,with universal master code, firmware. All did not work.and i hav (only 2 atempt left, befor my modem will be blockd and i just but it new this month. pls help me d angels of technology nd God wil bles with what every u are locking 4 as far it's good amen. Her is my Email (faisalone64[at] my (MODEM IMEL: 868988010858063) (S/N:U9CBYA92B1629618) (MODEL:E303s-1) thank u

  21. That's a good post…I was also reluctant to use unlocking software available to unlock my Huawei modem.I used the unlock code instead.I used the unique code from to remove the network lock permanently.

  22. am trying to unlock my glo netpro modem,bt after typing in my IMEI code and clicking calculator it keep saying wrong IMEI code. What next?

  23. Hello Mr Funsho, pls i just used the online zte unlocker for my zte modem, after inserting the 15 digits IMEI, it generated 12 digits unlock code but when i used it, it could not unlock the modem. what else can i do pls!

  24. Good evening Sir, sorry i have been offline for a's life and business? to your question, the model no. of my modem is- Ztemf631, and i bought it sometime last year from Etisalat. i even went as far as using DC unlocker 2 client 1.00.1039 beta, but the result after following the procedure was- Error code 63 and, unlock failed. please kindly help me, this is my imei no. 861424012156170.
    thanks in anticipation.

  25. Hello Mr. Funsho, its like there's no hope for me again to unlock my modem. i've patiently waited to hear from you but to no avail. last time you asked to know the model no of my modem and when i bought it which i replied thus- Ztemf631, and i bought it sometime last year from Etisalat. please, help me. thanks

  26. Nice meeting you guy. please, i would like to have your E-mail address if you don't mind. Here is mine: isaacsuberu[at] thanks.

  27. Hello Sir

    I have MTS ZTE modem AC2766 model with a sim slot but it is locked by the MTS so please tell me how to unlock it

    Thanks in Advance
    Abhishek kumar

  28. I salute you guy, I obtained a 12 digits unlock code from the calculator but the space provided required 16 digits. what can I do?
    below are the details of my Etisalat ZTE modem
    Model: MF631
    IME: 861424013689039
    and the unlock code obtained was 404185801233
    please assist.

  29. Follow d instruction in d link below 2 unlock ur MF 631 easily:
    The Easiest Way to Unlock Some Stubborn Internet Modem

  30. zte imei is 862591014947175, code given,119504901135. When i enter in the pop up, it needs 4 more digits to activate the ok button, what can i do? ben.olaka[at]

  31. Bro funsho…I notice u didn't reply people with zte ac2766 model.pls I want u to reply me.. I have bn trying to unlock a starcomms izap zte ac2766 modem for a yle now..pls I want to knw if its possible to unlock it coz it has a sim slot but works for starcomms without a sim in it…pls help my email paparadzemagazine[at] pls if I can have ur pin I will be most grateful…. (ur number one fan)

  32. Good morning. Am Favour. Please can you help me unlock my MF631 Zte modem. IMEI: 861424011664398. My mail is amazingfavorr[at] Pls i'll be anticipating ur favourable reply. Thanks.

  33. Follow d instruction in dis link 2 easily unlock ur MF631:…

  34. Can you please help me with the unlock code for my TCT Mobile X230E – 2LATTE3 modem with IMEI: 867612004638932 ? Thank you and I Hope to hear from you soon. Here is my email: dfligh15[at]

  35. pls help me out this my imei : 356181049486648 zte mf667 i tired to so it but is not working pls help mail michealade4[at]

  36. my name is ade. plsi am unable to unlock my ZTE MF 190 A. i have been trying series of unlocker code including the one mentioned above. pls help me out. My IMEI : 86259101814, Model MF 190 A ZTE. pls i need a quick response.

  37. hello bros. thanks for d assistant. I tried all u have said to unlock my glo modem huawei E156G but repeateadly said wrong imei code entered I am sure of d imei I typed. please assist me. my imei is :359479030402476 and model no is E156G my mail is holessg1[at]

  38. pls av tried to unlock my mtn fastlink bt after i paste d unlock code it doesnt highlight OK which dnt allow me to unlock the modem, pls what can i do. talk to my mail sir. h_emmy[at] pls i will be waiting sir. thanks

  39. After generated an unlock code, i inserted a different Sim from the Airtel Sim and plug in, and got a pop up message that says "invalid Sim detected please contact customer care". so that's it. it did not work. whats next? my model Airtel E173u-2

  40. Pls boss
    how r u doing? pls can u help me to hack my girlfriend‘s facebook account?pls help out.i tink she is cheating on me. pls help..tanx in advance………my email:isaacbryain27[at]

  41. I got the unlocked code,inserted a different sim,i was asked for the code but after entering it in,and click on submit,it doesn't show anything but space for code again and i have 5 more chance.Its Hauwei E303.Thank you.

  42. pls help me to unlock this zte ce1588 modem, i tried to but d unlock code generated is not complete, it remains 4 digits.
    imei- 356181049504986. better still help send d unlock code to e-mail: akinkunmisamson[at]

  43. i have been trying to unlock all the modem with this code generator but not possible cos the code digit number generated is not complete to enable me click ok to unlock the modem pls help and how can i hack my girlfriend facebook pls sir help ….IMEI NO:861424010532836…ZTE…ik4muchluv[at]

  44. pls help me unlock my airtel modem
    imei 867612006048486
    model . X230E
    email. appiahbright46[at]

  45. pls help me unlock my airtel modem
    imei 867612008679247
    model x230e
    email. matt25siaw[at]

  46. Thanks for your help bro. I've tried unlocking my sim with a software downloaded online, dc-unlocker client, but it didn't work. Seems it has interferred with the settings of the modem ços it now says 'Fail to connect'. However, I've followed the instructions you gave to supply the IMEI code, but it seems an additional 4-digits are required to unlock the modem. Please can you help? I shall be grateful. The modem is a zte modem IMEI:862591016518271 and the generated code was:480396848046. My email:jideoguns2007[at]
    Looking forward to hearing from you.

  47. hello i have a zte modem(airtel) but when i put un supported sim card so that i can unlock it, it does not bring up the interface for pushing in the generated code it simply says use correct sim card, what can i do to unlock it. please any assistance can be rendered to my email kyebsjozey[at] i nwill be grateful

  48. Hello Mr Funsho Kolawole Kindly help me to unlock my modem pls
    IME 862591018143490
    Model ZTE

    Thanks and God Bless

  49. Hello Sir, Can you please unblock my Etisalat modem.
    Imel no 861195006207274 . Model no E303 thanks bro.
    My email no is blitz47me[at]

  50. Bro you're good. I tried and it worked. Thanks. But I have a little problem, I just can not register any other networks but my glo on my already unlocked mtn fast link, please how do I go about it?

  51. Pls help me
    With my Etisalat Zte modem mf190a with Imei 862591017744587
    I have try to unlock it online but d unlocking code given to me is not up to fifteen (246152202866)
    Pls help me my email

  52. Bro kudos to you for the info. God Bless… am having a problem unlocking my modem HUAWEI E173 because I can find the pop-up Window asking for the unlock code. I will really appreciate if you can help me on this. Thanks

  53. Have ones try to unlock modem but i lost my code pls can i get another one back…pls reply me to smell_skunk[at] be glad if u cud help


  55. I have generated the unlock code and the flash but when i insert different sim,it says invalid sim but does not pop up unlock please help me

  56. Hi friend I want to unlock my wifi modem. Please send me the code.
    Model: ZTE R206I
    IMEI: 865878022044427
    S/N: 328443193C78

    Please note my unlock code should be in 16 digits with alpha numeric

    Thank you

  57. Hi , to be honest I am an amateur when it comes to this but I do have a Home Hub 2000 with an internet provider and now I am switching companies an wa wondering ifthis type of modem ca be unlocked or an helpful hints , thank you in advance


    Pls help me
    my Etisalat Zte corporation modem MODEL:MF180 IMEI: 867364001068610. Here is my email
    Thanks and God bless.

  59. oga shelaf help me unlock this moderm model:e303s-1 imei:868988011153092 e.mail:tonyalex5666[at]………thanks a lot ……………….we appreciate you

  60. Pls help me out bro, i tried to generate the code from the site but i cant unblock frm the moderm. i didnt see where i will insert the code in the moderm

  61. thank you for this information. 842736688462 this unlock code was generated for my ZTE MODEM from the site. but it dint unlock the modem, the ok button was not activated when I inserted the code, indicating that the numbers are not complete. is there anything else I can do? it a ZTE Modem from etisalat

  62. Hi
    I have ZTE MF 190 tata photon 3g modem. when i am putting other SIM it is showing INVALID SIM. its not asking any code.
    Please Help

  63. Hello brother can you help me unlock this modem? Stc
    MODEL:X230L – 2DSGSA3-3
    Email:gunavenkatklink[at] thanks in advance

  64. thanks for this wonderful post, I am interested to have the unlock code generator, I had used the dc crap unlock, it was not successful. it was showing me code error 63 and unlock failed. here is my email; ibrahimejekhine[at] your reply will be highly appreciated. thanks once again.

  65. please can you help me unlock my modem,

    ZTE mf631
    imei:861424012569638… please sir… my email: chukwuemeka.ogbuagu[at]

    Thanks in advance..

  66. Hello Mr Funsho. I stumbled on your blog today 11th Dec. 2015 and I must say you are blessing to us all. Pls I have an Airtel modem dat I want to unlock. I read here that I would need a DC unlocker and a paypal account. Pls, can you assist with anyone with a paypal account? If yes, I wouldn't mind paying into the person's account. I need your phone number sir.
    My email address is
    IMEI: 860872017401481
    HUAWEI mobile broadband E173.

  67. Unlock code for HUAWEI E3531
    IMIE : 860556025446774
    I have tried this unlocking code before 33622927
    But it didn't work
    My email is gl4life1[at]

  68. my modem tells me that only a specified sim can be used in it after I change the model is Huawei E 1820 and my IMEI is 358133030395559….my unlock code is 66006340 and my email is ramadhanj721[at]…Help me out please.

  69. Hey! Can see great appreciation here.I have a huawei echolife HG8245H GPON terminal router. Is there a way I can benefit from your great wisdom? Maliti.jere[at]

  70. all you have to do is download dc unlocker cracked version with unlimited credit, plug your modem after installing with , open the modem with invalid sim which you have put inside then close it and open dc unlocker, select the model and search after that chech the status wheather the unlock attempt is still remaining then if yes, click unlock and that is all #eze okweimat

  71. What if after after step 1 (generating a code)then the pop up never comes up so one cant input the code even after several hours, what happens?

  72. hi. I have this huawei modem and I need your help to unlock it
    model E303s-1
    IMEI 867648014344715
    MY EMAIL michaelkahindi8[at]

  73. Huawei V3.3 Unlock Generated succesfully! IMEI: 867648014344715
    Unlock (V1): 44917969
    Unlock (V2): 37391316
    Unlock (V3): 20030839
    Flash: 65835855

  74. Hi admin, pls assist with modem unlock, I can't seem to click ok when I input the unlock code
    It's an etisalat ZTE modem with imei 862591016054079


  76. Please help me with dis please hav tried to unlock but it think generated by d site is incomplete….etisalat moderm….IMEI..862591018168554

  77. Enter your comment… help me unlock the Etisalat modem.. model… MF 190A HSUPA USB Stick.

    IMEI… 862591018244769. thanks alot.

  78. Please help me unlock my modem:

    TCT Mobile Limited 5KW
    one touch X230E 01 Z88


    my email: 263pk263[at]

  79. please help me get the unlock code for my modem
    TCT mobile limited
    pls my mail is palmergideon[at]

  80. hi great Engineer please help me unknock my huwaie modem model:E3131 with IMEI: 863625021095567 thanks and God bless you real good

  81. I've followed the instructions given but the pop up window requesting the unlock code does not appear what might be the problem… please help

  82. i have recieved the code but when clicking calculate its saying wrong imei…my imei is 862591014423227 and my code was 244312280820 my email is[at] please..please help me

  83. I've done that but the message I got is "only specified SIM can be use on this device" the modem mod is E173

  84. please can you help me to unlock my huawei tigo modem E303 with imei number email is yawofori918[at] thank you

  85. please have you the above site to generate the unlock code but, the code is not up to 16 digit of the requirement portion, please help me God bless you.
    Model : ZTE MF667
    IMEI : 356181049490434
    Firmware : BD_MF667V1.0.2B06
    email: k.alofe[at]

  86. Good day, i have manged to generate the unlock code and flash code,inserted a different sim but i'm not getting a pop up to insert the codes. thanks.

  87. Plz help me Unlock Huawei: IMEI:353604064790852 Model:R207 Plz here my E-mail:witkow1[at] Thanks

  88. Hello Sirs! please help me out with unlock code for my MTN modem


    type of modem : E153
    Model : Huawei E153
    IMEI : 869604000101468
    Serial NR. : KMA4CA1162500152

  89. i was charged #1500 earlier today to unlock my modem buh in the twinkle of an eye without much stress i haf unlocked it bro thanks nd GOD bless….aldo i don know the apn settings…still thankful oh

  90. Pls I have tried getting the unblocking code for etisalat ZTE modem with the imei

  91. Hello guys, want to tell you that this site is real. After my code has been generated, I then downloaded the code writer indicated with a link and it worked. God bless you so much.

  92. Hi Mr Funsho!
    I have LTE 4G MODEM please help to unlock it in order to use any line.
    IMEI: 863867023189069
    This is your codes:
    » Unlock code: 42064283
    » Flash code: 66113341
    Have fun!

    MY EMAIL: balokola[at]

  93. i have tried to unlock my mtn fast link but it seems that the code is not complete and its short of four digit

  94. am using mtn fastlink huawei modem , cant unlock it after several attempts. my e- mail is :akenyinbode[at] model:E303s-1, IMEI: 861862009987075. someone pls help, am having two attempts left

  95. pls someone help me with unlocking huawei modem , model:e303s-1. my e-mail is akenyinbode[at] imei:861862009987075

  96. guys pls u guys just post what ever u like as though the moderm will give that space to put that special passcode pls post something more real and geniue

  97. I'm having a 4G MiFi with model M028T with imei 867574022874800 & asking for a 16 digit unlock code thanks .

  98. please kindly help me unlock the below etisalat modem below.

    Found modem : MF631
    Model : ZTE MF631
    IMEI : 861424010849925
    Firmware : BD_MF631F3V1.0.0B07

    kindly send to abiola_rotimi[at]

    good bless you and your family

  99. pls tanks i ve have successfully unlock my mtn fastlink huawei modem but in only support airtel and glo sims only but refuse to pick tigo and vodafone

  100. please kindly help me unlock a modem with the following details
    TCT mobile Limited 8GW
    one touch X230E 01 Z45

  101. Hello Mr Kolawole, pls I need help unlocking my Etisalat HSPA Easyblaze modem with Ieml number 356360049828484 Huawei. I followed the instructions to unlock it, but my modem is not is not requesting for the unlocking code. Pls help. My mail address is oliveruby10[at]

  102. Hello Mr Kolawole, pls I need help unlocking my Etisalat HSPA Easyblaze modem with Ieml number 356360049828484 Huawei. I followed the instructions to unlock it, but my modem is not is not requesting for the unlocking code. Pls help. My mail address is oliveruby10[at]

  103. Hi, I am using a ZTE Etisalat modem but it doesn't want to unlock. The imei code is 861424010554723.

  104. Pls Hw do I get the 16 digits unlock code for my MTN modem zte mf739m modem…. Lastdon_sylvo[at]

  105. Prince Hadeyemo


  106. Prince Hadeyemo



  108. My dongle is ZTE WD670 ie realiance 4G LTE modem I have inserted another sim but there i no respond like you said please help me in unlocking dongle so that I cam use it with another sim

  109. Hi friend I want to unlock my Glo modem.Please send me the code.
    Model: MF667
    IMEI: 860014017918475
    S/N: 323330674519

  110. Hello oga Funsho please help me unlock my huwai glo bolt modem E3131 IMEI:862733014574716.i first try wasconet calculator the unlock code i got was 89491363 but when i put an mtn sim on the modem and input the unlock code it didn't work please help me oga shelaf what should i do i have just 5 trial left my email is marvelousuyoyo4real[at]

  111. wow am indeed grateful because u just free me from spending 3500 in getting a universal modem. thanks bro God bless

  112. pleas i want u help me to unlock this airtel broad band modem
    imei: 867612005508399
    model: C E0700
    ONE TOUCH X230E 01 Z88

  113. I need you help to Reset the Unlock Counter
    my modem is E270

  114. how do I unlock the modem with the following specifications

    Manufacturer: TCT Mobile International Limited
    Model: HSPA Data Card
    Revision: IX1B7000XX
    IMEI: 867612008713731
    +GCAP: +CGSM,+DS,+ES

  115. Pls I need your help am trying to unlock my mtn modem tho it has gotten to where I should but the code what they give me is 12 d8git5but I think it should be 16

  116. hi,please i tried to unlock these usb modems.please i need your assistance….
    it is an etisalat usb modem,model no is mf 631,while the imei nos is 861424102617388

  117. please sir i have a problem unclocking my etisalat morden. i tried use the online system but the code given to me isnt of to 16. plese i need ur help. the IMEL:602558462480, it is em ZTE MORDEN. thnk you,, my email is usmanabednego3[at]

  118. Hi can anyone help me for my pocket wifi modem
    ZTE MF65+
    IMEI : 864413021493440
    Serial :934933073210

    email : jemlonhs[at]

    thanks in advance

  119. pls i take God beg you help me unlock this starcomm izap zte modem model nah AC2766 CDMA20000 1X FCC ID Q78-AC2766 my email kaylarry25[at] whatsapp number 08021501997

  120. I've followed the instructions given but the pop up window requesting the unlock code does not appear what might be the problem… please help.. Reach me on my mail.. afodapsy[at]

  121. Please Sir the code I need to unlock my Etisalat ZTE MF 730m modem is 16digits but the one that was generated when I tried your above method is 12digits.
    Please Sir, help out.. Thanks in anticipation

  122. Enter your comment…pls the unlock dialogue didn't appear for the code to be typed, what shd i do it ……it's wind
    but i have the imei,flash and unlock codes

  123. Help me to unlock my Modern IMEI:86768010241469 this is my E-mail:Oyakunles[at] pls help me to unlock my modern

  124. Hello, I tried to unlock my ZTE orange modem IMEI: 353874041470270, but the unlocking code was longer than the expected this is the result I got
    Unlock: 820976400044. So can I get the correct unlock code for this device com seriously stacked.

  125. please help me with my starcomms izap modem
    my email is adekunlemorakinyo98[at]

  126. Good Day Mr Funsho, I followed the steps above to unlock my modem, Bt its not correct. Pls help me unlock it. God bless you.
    Model : E303s-1
    IMEI : 868988010837521
    S/N: u9cbya92b1267564
    email: tom2p[at]

  127. pls sir I have try to crack my modern IMEL:356052045289098 Huawel E1550 do help me do it looking forward to or favourable respond thanks

  128. Hello Sir can you please help me to unlock my Vodafone modem model k4201 with IMEI:867637002588862
    My E-mail is kwasip04[at] thank you

  129. Hello Shelaf, nice article.

    But I couldn't find a free-code for my D-Link MODEM in the site you recommended! Perhaps, how can I do that, please? I really need your reply.


  130. Hello. i have found the imei number and the unlock code. however, plugging the modem in the PC with a different network provider, it does not pop up with the information to enter the unlock code. what should i do? onestitus[at]

  131. i have generated the unlock code yet it is tells me that the modem accepts only data card of the network. what should i do?

  132. i entered my imei code and unlock code was generated but there was no popup dat i could enter the unlock code when i changed the sim in my modem instead it said invalid sim.pls what should i do?

  133. My ZTE MTN modem MF831 IMEI 862828022637863 has refused to be cracked,I followed the procedure in your post but it did not work,it generated a 12 digit 062598615469 while I was required to fill in 16 digits
    The same goes for my ZTE Etisalat MF730M IMEI 358532033398330 It generated 062598615469 which is not 16 digits
    Please help me see to the problem I have just a limited attempt to try them before I am blocked. Thanks Email coolhenry92[at]

  134. am so happy with the information rendered online here by your group. it is very helpful and it works just fine.
    thank you!

  135. hello, pls i used a universal unlock code to generate for my zte mf667 buh it kept giving me 12 digit insted of 16 digits. what can i do pls

  136. pls boss help me unlock my new Etisalat modem
    s/n: X7SBYA93B2511817
    brand: Etisalat
    pls oga mi I really need it and I will be expecting your mail……

  137. pls after generating d code there was no pop up message to input e it my imei number is 860891006836002 and d modern is etisalat zte …my email is wadudalislam[at] ….pls help me unlock it

  138. pls engineer help me unlock this modem the code i got is 12digits and is asking for 16 digits, imei – 862774027210654 model mf83m. e-mail oyinolu10[at] Thank you

  139. please i have try all said but not positive result my modem is etisalat
    modem is MF631
    model ZTE MF631
    imei: 861424013601182
    my time is remaining 3 times of the trial my mail is leoezeh[at]

  140. well-done here sirs, pls help me out my as unable to detect another sim card exept AIRTEL and i fully depressed in fact i dont know how to make it done, so i'll be glad if you can help me out my IMEI;863164011144516
    MY MAL ADRESS IS (mudasiruquadry[at] thanks.


  142. HI I have Vodafone MObile Wi-Fi from ZTE R206I with IMEI: 865878022221454. When I tried to unlock it ask for 16 digit unlock code. Can you help me? My email priyanka.achintya[at]

  143. Pleas help me i hav that ZTE Pocket Hotspot i tried several tricks to unlock it but i can't find any special solution the codes i generate are 12 digit and the modem is asking my 16 digit codes plz help me here is my email
    Here is the IMEI of my Hotspot

  144. hye sir i dont now how to unlock reliance 3g dongle i have only imei code 9111133907678178 pls tell me which is my unlock code how i fild unlock code

  145. How are you. Need some help. am usng zamtel z.t.e, but when i went through the process. the code is being generated but when i insert a new sim card, the pop up is not coming (stage 2). my email address is phirimichael55[at]

  146. the no the calculator is generating is 12 digits while the code for unlocking as you said is 8 digits, so what do i do because i have been warned that i have 3 final attempts….it is a zte modem…thanks

  147. I try to unlock mymtn modem, but when i plugged in the modem in a computer, it never showed any place to enter the unlock code. What should i do?

    IMEI: 356052041829350

    Old code V1: 41281760
    Code V2: 35905450
    New algo code V3/201: 37939330
    Flash code: 43450446

  148. My modem huawei e3276s -920 STC Saudi Arabia was unlocked, but when I tried to operate it, it works well in 3G and 2g of any sim but My 4G(jio) can not work means 4g signal is not coming, in my area 4g mobile operator(jio) provides 2300Mhz bands, this should work but i dont know why is it not working . Could you please share solution with me? Thank you very much

  149. If you want any modem(only ZTE and Huawei) to be unlocked then mail me at unlock8me[at] . I do almost all unlocks and expertise in Huawei models

  150. hi…I got the unblock code for zte which is a 12 digit, after inserting my modem it required 15 digit input. so what should I do?

    tnx a lot in anticipation for your response

  151. kindly assist me to unlock this Airtel internet modem.
    Huawei E173u-2
    Imei no 860872016872195
    Email okoraformatthew1[at]

  152. please help me with unlock code of this mtn fastlink modem
    imei:: 356181049624230
    model:: hspa mf667
    my mail is :: adeboyeabiodun38[at]

  153. Hi
    I have ZTE MF 192 3g modem. when i put another SIM it is showing INVALID SIM. its not asking any code.
    Please Help

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  156. Rotimi
    Please help me out. My own unlock code is not up to 16 digits required. Thanks
    Model: ZTE MF190A
    IMEI: 862591018039565

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  160. Good day, can you please help me to unlock my etisalat modem ZTE MF190A and my IMEI is 862591018064985
    Thanks and God bless u

  161. What a information of un-ambiguity and preserveness
    of valuable familiarity about unpredicted feelings.

  162. please can you help me to unlock my huawei glo modem E303 with imei number email is honkkong1[at] thank you

  163. Hello dear Anonymous. Your gas been generated.

    TCT Mobile Limited 5KW
    one touch X230E 01 Z88
    IMEI: 867612005940782

    Any time you need any unlocking code just email me ok/

  164. Hello dear gideon palmer. Your gas been generated.

    TCT mobile limited

    NCK: 4033944758
    Any time you need any unlocking code just email me ok/

  165. plz help me my modem z noh asking for d unlock code @al nd i really nid 2 unlock d is danm modem stegobebo[at] fenq u

  166. the new Glo Netpro is not as easy as said, infact doesn't even work that way, there's no pup-up when you insert a different Sim rather than glo please what should be done

  167. Hello funsho ! Can you please help me unlocking my zte-mf60 , here's my IMEI: 357515040847820 , here's my unlock code , 682534288260 . Ive been trying to unlock this through DC unlocker , but my PC cant recognize my pocket wifi. Please help me Funsho, it would really mean a lo to me. Here's my email address terrymayliezelf[at] , thank you so much . Hoping for your response soon.

  168. Pretty nice post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wished to
    say that I've truly enjoyed surfing around your blog posts.
    In any case I will be subscribing to your feed and I hope you
    write again very soon!

  169. zte imei is 861648008302139, code given,288556608844. When i enter in the pop up, it needs 4 more digits to activate the ok button, what can i do? abdoulwaheedmuhammad[at]

  170. bro, i was unable to unlock my MF730M ZTE MODEM AFTER GENERATING THE UNLOCK CODE FROM THE CALCULATOR, plz help me out
    email: slimzyrhado[at]

  171. Pls I need help I want to unlock my MTN modem
    Model: E303s-1
    IMEI: 867648010087151
    My email is udebunjo1[at]

  172. please help me unlock my ETISALAT Modem
    model:TCT mobile CE0700
    imei: 354594032556627
    email: chrisnwaoba[at]…….thanks

  173. Hi Admin: Please can you also help me with Unlocking this my Starcomms izap modem. please God Bless
    this is my email address: myestherbassey1980[at]

    and also the info for the modem spec.

    Starcomms iZAP@flexi V1.0.48
    Copyright(C)2009 ZTE LTD

    Thanks as i expect your reply on my email.


    HOW CAN I UNLOCK IT PLS HELP ME OUT. MY EMAIL- iambalogunmorenikeji[at]

  175. I have gotten an unlock code which is 12 digit whereas my modem is requesting for 16 digits, pls how do I get the 16 digits unlock code? You can email me at info.johnsamuel[at]

  176. My airtel modem is still not unlocked, i inserted anither sim, it did not bring the unlock stuff, it only told me the network aint registered, i shd contact the customer care

  177. good evening sir please help me to unlock this internet modem model: ZTE IMEI:861424012185526 Unlock COde:448998680262 Please help out thank you. email: gyangfrancism[at]


  179. hi please help me unlock this my orange key. i tried but its not working
    IMEI 867602000298138
    Alcatel X230D

  180. Extremely helpful post. This is my first time i visit here. I discovered such a large number of intriguing stuff in your blog particularly its exchange. Truly its extraordinary article. Keep it up.  how to unlock android phone

  181. Sir, am pudens please kindly help me unlock this modem, I have tried then post here and its not working imei 861862006223243 Huawei

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