How To Reset The Unlock Counter Of Permanent Blocked Huawei Modem

How To Reset The Unlock Counter Of Permanent Blocked Huawei Modem

A guy I personally know got a USB modem from the UK and the modem was locked to 3, a UK mobile network. On getting to Nigeria here, he found out the modem wouldn’t work with the SIM card. The modem prompted for an unlock code and this dude kept guessing till he entered it incorrectly 10 times. He rendered the modem useless and even DC-unlocker couldn’t unlock it.

I tried all I could, but it didn’t work. I decided to try flashing the modem and re-installed the firmware, but still, the unlock counter still reads 10. Before the modem finally became useable again, Below is the procedure I followed:

How I Reset the Unlock Counter

Like I said earlier, upgrading the firmware did not reset the unlock counter that read 10 out of 10. I had to reset the counter with software. If you haven’t entered your unlock code 10 times like the guy in question did, you can still do it if you want to unlock your modem, anyway.

  • Download Huawei Modem Unlocker Here
  • Extract the content and run the .exe file inside
  • Click on Refresh. Your modem should be automatically detected so far you checked AUTO CONNECTION under connection mode
  • Be sure Auto-Calc Code and Auto-Unlock Modem are both marked

Reset The Unlock Counter Of Permanent Blocked Huawei Modem

  • Now, click UNLOCK. This should both unlock your modem and reset the counter at the same time

Congratulation! Now you’ve successfully reset “permanently locked” of your Huawei modem to 10 times again.

Lastly, click on Calculate to generate the flash code. You’re gonna be needing it later.

Hope you have rested your unlock code counter, so please do Share/Like this article with your friend and give us support by commenting.

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Picture of Sheu Abdullateef Funsho
Sheu Abdullateef Funsho
I'm a certified tech expert with over a decade of experience. Serving as a Blogger, Copywriter, Web Designer, Crypto Expert, and Digital Marketer. I'm passionate about sharing unique insights and ideas on technology and trends. Need help with any of these areas? DM me, and let's collaborate to achieve your goals with cutting-edge expertise.
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55 thoughts on “How To Reset The Unlock Counter Of Permanent Blocked Huawei Modem”

  1. pls, how can I unlock E173u-2 for Airtel with this? I used the universal unlocker and the code writer all to no avail. Instead, I got 10 max trial limit.
    i will be very grateful if yuo can help me out.

  2. @Anonymous Some of E303 Modems do nt provide unlock code space, talkless of entring d wrong code & blocked but if ur's provide unlocked code space & it was blocked due 2 entrying wrong codes 10 times. U can use d abv procedure 2 reset d unlocker counter.

  3. the software is not seing my modem its saying error…its the modem that i'm using to browse now shaa

  4. i av also try downloading it on google…..i downloaded it the rar file but after extraction and i try installing … wont install..pls boss can u pls help attached the file to my email(ojsunny1[at] really need it badly….pls boss help as soon as possible

  5. wen i try installing the one i downloaded tru google the respond i get is this
    (The application failed to initialize properly (0x0000135). click on OK to terminate the application)
    so bro wat do u this i can do …..i av a modem that need to be unlock boss pls i beg u help me out

  6. @Anonymous Try 2 download it with d link i provided.
    Original msg by Anonymous says:
    July 1, 2013 at 7:00 PM

    i av also try downloading it on google…..i downloaded it the rar file but after extraction and i try installing … wont install..pls boss can u pls help attached the file to my email(ojsunny1[at] really need it badly….pls boss help as soon as possible

  7. boss av downloaded but it not installing….. it showing a dialog box saying

    ((The application failed to initialize properly (0x0000135). click on OK to terminate the application)

  8. Pls boss I tried to download it and clicks d link u put but its taking me to naijagang site. Pls help me. U can reply tru my email. ehizik[at]

  9. @Isaac Egberamen Dat is where we uploaded dat software to, 4 easy downloading & if u look @ d page opened to u very well u will see "Download this App Here" dat is where u will click 2 download d Huawei Modem Unlocker.

  10. but after downloading and extracting boss, its not installing.. wen i try to install it…it showing a dialog box saying
    ((The application failed to initialize properly (0x0000135). click on OK to terminate the application)

  11. i get this message pls help ''error reading connected modem wait for modem to properly initialize'' and i'm using the modem to browse

  12. @Anonymous After opened the Huawei Modem Unlocker, click refresh like 5 times, ur modem suppose be properly initialize then & it will be detected.

  13. Pls d naija gang isn't opening again. Its showing some errors like verification nd cpu quota exceeded. Pls what do I do?

  14. @Anonymous U point are noted & it will b posted very soon but d fact is dat. d 1 i have now 2 unlock E303 & E173 latest firmware, will ask 4 money b4 it can unlock them & am find d means of unlocking them free like others, dat is why i was nt yet posted it.
    But i will post d 1 have now as u request.
    Anonymous says:
    July 7, 2013 at 5:11 PM

    pls author/owner can u post about unlocking e303s mtn fastlink modems? Gratitude welldone.

  15. @Isaac Egberamen Abt 9jagang, currently we have little problem with our hosting site, in which we are on process to ratify it, just bear with us. 4 now u can only login 2 9jagang around d morning or afternoon but it may gamble around d night.
    We promise 2 solve it very soon.

  16. Good evening, please I av an airtel modem I bought last year, but early this year, I don't know what I did on it, the modem is not showing on my system, whenever I connect it, d red light on d modem will change to green but it won't show that any modem was inserted into the computer… I took it to airtel office and they told me it has condermed, I don't know wah I can do again… Even d Airtel setup(Autorun) dat comes with d modem is not showing on the my computer, please what can I do?

  17. U may try to flash and upgrade it's firmware. I guess is Huawei product? Read d detail on how 2 get it done here.

  18. Hello,
    Please i want you to help me out. tried unlocking my airtel huawei E173u-2 modem, discovered the unlock attempts (10 attempts) has been totally exhausted. i will appreciate if you can help reset the modem counter for me.
    Here is the IMEI number : 867749015424439

    Thank you

  19. Hi Funsho, tried to unlock E5373T modem. It get detected correctly, but unlock fails with: Failed to write NCK code to modem.
    Any clue?

  20. the hauwai modem unlocker link you provided has expired and the one i downloaded from google search is not working for E303h-1

  21. this is the only topic which shelaf have post but didnt work please i tried as i can to reset my unlock counter with your procedure but to no avail, keep the flag flying

  22. pleade sir can you help me with huawei modem unlock code
    and hash code
    my modem is permanently locked
    model: E3531s-2
    imei: 867424022399848
    thanks in advance

  23. IANWEEZY +256706915098

    my huawei e173u-1 is permanently blocked but failed to be auto detected by the huawei modem unlocker v5.8.1 .what can i do?

  24. Thanks man, this tutorial is so so helpful…. For more than 8 years now, I have been restricted to using only one network in/on my modem but today, the deadlock is broken, all thanks to your wonderful tutorial….
    God bless you real good.

  25. The software is not seeing my modem this is the message displayed
    no modem detected try reconnect and i have done it severally. how can i unlock my locked modem. christosin[at]

  26. Okay Shelf,ao can I unlock my Huawei modem E303, it shows unlock failed when trying to use DC unlocker… Wish to hear from you soon.

  27. If you want to Unlock B310s-xxx or E5572s-xxx and you live in Abuja, Onitsha call 07063076212 for instant unlock. if your Router also stucked why doing it, still call me.

  28. hello brother.i tried to unlock my huawei E5373s-155 but unfortunately its locked to counter 0 now with no attempts left. please help me to reset the counter again .i tried dc unlocker and huawei modem unlocker

  29. hey-bro….thanks….i-tried-unlocking-the-modem-but-the-airtel-huawei-modem-is-asking-for-password-and-username-before-i-can-access-the-unlocking-page

  30. IMEI : 862927020902921

    There you go! Your NCK/NP code is 101512766325 and SPCK/SP code is 220711786044.
    There you go! Your unlock code is 36514919 and flash code is 56349689.

    Please advise how to unlock as it needs 16 digit code

  31. HELLO Can ANY one hre help me eith my modm problems im uenter wrong code more than 10 times now i need to rest my counter mode thanks

    DC – Unlocker 2 Client 1.00.1375

    Detecting modem :

    selection :
    manufacturer – Huawei modems
    model – Huawei E392

    Selected Applications port COM6
    Selected Diagnostics port COM3

    Found modem : E392
    Model : Huawei E392
    IMEI : 860999000984460
    Serial NR. : A6M5TC1233000590
    Firmware : 11.433.19.00.000
    Compile date / time : x
    Hardware ver. : CD1E392M
    Chipset : Qualcomm
    Voice feature : not supported in current firmware
    SIM Lock status : Locked (CardLock)
    Wrong codes entered : 10 (unlock attempts left : 0)

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