You have it in mind that one day, you will have your experiences, a bunch of knowledge, ideas, (counting…) published online for people to read and in return make yourself some money, but you do not know how to get started. Don’t worry, is not odd; is something that is very normal. I was once like that, but with little and increased effort I got everything right and going.
Here comes the business of writing and making money!
Yeah, the official name is “Blogging“. Now I wouldn’t go straight by telling you that I have written a million-dollar eBook, but will first say that blogging is all about having love and passion for it. You can read all the best-selling eBooks on creating and monetizing a Free Blog, but you may never make it to blogging if you do not have the passion and patience for it.
If you are this person that will work and patiently wait for results, this eBook is for you, but if you are not, my advice is you try looking elsewhere.
Why do I sound like this? You need not even create a blog be it free or paid if you do not have a passion for it. It won’t be wise to create a blog and allow it to die in the later future (those are just pieces of advice anyway) Okay, enough of this talk, let’s get to business…
About my Free Blog eBook
My eBook “Blogger’s Beacon for Newbies” is a Blogger free eBook that teaches how to create and monetize a free blog. I am delighted to inform you of my first free eBook on blogging. Okay, let’s see what the content has to offer:
Table of Content
- Where to get a free blog (
- How to set up your blog
- How to generate the address for your free blog
- How to choose a template for your blog
- How to write, preview, save and publish a blog post
- How to add labels (categories) to your blog posts
- How to schedule blog posts
- How to insert links inside blog posts
- How to change font size, color, style of blog posts
- How to add the image to your blog posts
- How to configure basic settings for your blog
- How to configure the “posts and comments” settings of your blog
- Understanding Blogger layout
- List of Blogger gadgets you can add to your blog
- How to add HTML codes to your blog using HTML/Javascript gadget
- How to add “Recent comments”, and “Recent Posts” to your blog
- How to customize Blogger template with Template Designer
- How to adjust the width, change the background, and change the layout of your template
- How to make HTML changes to your blog
- How to find a specific code in your blog HTML
- How to back up and restore your blog template
- How to activate the Blogger mobile template
- How to create navigation tabs e.g “About Us”, and “Contact Us” tabs, etc.
- How to link navigation tabs to labels (categories)
- How to register for Google Adsense
- How to log out of the Blogger dashboard
- Ways you can monetize a blog
- How to get traffic for your blog
- Resources and recommendations for bloggers
How to Get this free eBook?
Just push the Image link below and you will have a clean and clear pdf version of my Blogger Blue Print for creating and monetizing a free blog to read on your PC.
To download, click on “File” >> “Download“
Welcome to the world of blogging!!!
Share or Like this page if you Find it Informative and Cool… Thanks.
78 thoughts on “Download Blogger’s Beacon: Learn How To Create and Monetize Free Blog”
u are d bomb great shelaf
Boss, this is more than jus…. This is everythinq.. Thumbs up for the good work..
WAO, you are really trying shelaf, may God help you too
This is what people are rushing-buy from Amazon, but you leave it here for Free,
may the Company of Shelaf never Run Down ooooo
Thanks once again
Up Funsho
Up Shelaf
Tnx 4 d comment.
I've tried downloading it to no avail pls could you help with the direct link to the file… or good very the right procedure to downloading it. its a live page so I can't read it online always…
I want to sell my very neat and perfectly
working nokia lumia 520 for 23k (negotiable).
Call 08032849782 or watsapp 08032185888
Unable to download on phone
U are most welcome & tnx 4 d comment.
My dear friend, tnx 4 all ur support.
We shall all success by God grace.
Try to download it with PC
Try it on PC
Boss tanx so much. But it only image showing up
Please hlp us post a direct link. Please am begging niii ohhhh.
Use Ucweb, click on print and it will prompt u to save.
Nice work shelaf i ready appreciate your post,I do not find it difficult to do because i have knowledge of the web before but your tutorial brighten by knowledge you are appreciated.
U are most welcome & tnx 4 d compliment.
Finally I downloaded dis great ebook…so happy.God bless you Bro kolawole…pls HOW can we drive traffic to our blog?
well done and thanks for the information.God bless.
My question is that if i design web using word press or joomla with slides template, how would i upload it on blogger???
thanks once more
Tnx xo much bro funsho..pls m avin a questn,pls aw wl google ads send us d cheque..cus durin d application..I saw only d payee's name n address…I fnk it shld b smtn lyk bank acct stuff..pls enlighten me..God bless
1. Google will send your via the postal address you registered your account with. So your postal address must be valid.
2. You have to get a Domicilary account,coz you will definitely need it when you receive the cheque…to get one, visit your bank.
I hope this help?
U are most welcome & we are glad to received ur wonderful comment.
Ameen & tnx 4 d prayer, more ebooks are coming, just stay glued. We appreciate ur support thr dis comment.
Thanks very helpful, just that I do not know how to apply.i am not an IT guru,
Brother shelaf pls how can i add blogs to my blogger account and pls give me examples
This comment has been removed by the author.
I don't think that is necessary anymore because google now pays via direct wire transfer.
Please bro…the link is not going… just showing a blank page…..please do something about it. Thanks
More grease to your elbow
oga shelaf may god bless you and your good work an ADONA you very good friend click here i will to see your comment in one of my post
pls i av being trying to monetize my blog through google adsense and alway av d response that my blog does not qualify for adsense policy ….pls shelaf help me
God bless you alot… Want to ask if blogging is suitable for Christian purposes like articles and so on…
And pls can you add me on your whatsapp… 09050543184
Pls add this 07060654000 to ur whatsapp group
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nothing wrong with that link, it is working fine. May be u are using slow gprs network. Note that u must have PDF reader on ur smartphone or PC b4 it can open well.
You are most welcome, thanks for the prayer & complement.
Kindly note this points & do d necessary adjustment b4 u reaply.
1. Make sure u have up to 10 unique posts on ur blog with original images. Not copied 4rm any where on d net.
2. Your domain age must be at least 4 months old.
3. Your blog must have d follow important menu: Home, Contact us, About and Privacy Policy
4. Make sure ur blog have a nice design
5. Also, read d AdSense rules, terms and conditions to correct ur lapses b4 u reaply.
Why not, once u know what u are doing
good afternoon Mr funsho,pls i want to know if there is how i can make my domain name be customised without inclusion of blogspot in it. e.g i want it to be and not
pls Sir add me to ur whatsapp group.this is my number 08069344001
pls sir, help the link is not opening
Pls help, i cant download the ebook
oga shelaf, please how do i create and add a customized image
bro shelaf…I heard that to make money with your blog…u have to use google adsense buh it's telling me m not qualified
Yes is very much possible, see this change ur blog to .com instruction:…
U need to have knowledge on image editors like Photoshop, or any other image editors.
can u help me add html scripts to my blog dont really understand how to do it
pls i am qualified for adsense but dont know how to place d codes can u pls whatsapp me 08148282711
Oga Shelaf, thank yoher u for your Ebook and other info. I really appreciate. please how can I add the menu: Home , Contact etc and remove the default ones in my design or template
why can't I download the eBook… plz help me out I really need this eBook.
Sir the ebook can't be download any more can this be fix? Please i need it.
Thanks Cheif. I discovered you through google and I followed you. You are great and will be greater in Jesus name.
You are most welcome and thank you so much for the compliment.
Nice 1 shelaf….Always visit this site for cheat only, it seems this more free browsing cheat. God bless you!
#Hat off.
Mr shelaf can u pls add me on ur whatsap group 08095629175
Thanks a billion
Bro how can l customise my blog to look like yours?….its nt covered in d ebook
Bro abeg ur help iz needed at
plz add me on whatsap wit 08100666397 plz
Confam. I have successfully download it.
Thans man
pls add me to d WhatsApp group 08164178367
thanks oga shelaf for the ebook. it downloaded fine. But pls bro i need your help. Pls how did u create the ebook cover. Is there any software for it that u can share?
Tnx sir shelaf for d post. But pls do u knw how to create a website
Nice work Sir please Add me on whatsapp 08169561788 I also want to know how to affilate for Jumia JForce
You are really helping People succeed online. Please check out my blog and drop your comment. You be my oga at the top.
Really like this, thanks Mr Shelaf. More power to your elbow.
Thank you. I really appreciate it.
Hello, i have been trying to download this ebook with my mobile device but its just showing blank page, is there any special browser it works with.?
Also, is there any good book you can recommend for me to learn PHP and javascript?
Bros pls i am a football lover and can focast very well but i dont blog or site of my own to do it i have tried to download ur ebook on how to get a blog but to mo avail pls i need ur help
Great works n awesome
please add me to your whatsapp, 08038065945. u r really helping pple to be successful
thanks boss for helping me out on this. it is helpful
sir, i humbly wish that you may add me to your whatsapp group. 07089227641
This eBook has helped develop my blog to become a top blog now. You can check it out HERE
1day old domain can can get adsense
just follow their rules
thanks to shelaf… find it useful sherotech
You did a good job here thanks.